
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 20, 2006 1:07 AM. The previous post in this blog was Tireless helper. The next post in this blog is Bayside Park, Jersey City, circa 1960. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, February 20, 2006

Tell me something I didn't already know

"Dan Saltzman is beaming secrets to the Venutians! Randy Leonard is really a robot built by Charlie Hales!"
This blog comment made me laugh.

Comments (12)

"Tell me something I didn't already know"

Is that nice?

I'll tell you something that is nice: The way the kitten's eyes above perfectly capture the tension of trying to be nice.

I was going to go Dr. Smith on Randy's comment, but I feared no one would get it and I'd forever wear the stain of the not nice. So choose from one of these witty comebacks.

Personally I'd go with, "Quiet you Tintinnabulation Tin Can!"

Yeah, the kitten is cute.

I liked Randy's comment on that other blog.

It was amusing.

Jack your were very nice and tolerant of Ken, and showed restraint.

If only you thought my comments here were so amusing, Jack....! I'm enjoying the irony.

Hey, if you can be that funny all the time, fire away.

How come I don't have the kittn; where is it-on a link?

Thats nice I imagine, but too long to read!

I just noticed I didn't have the kitten on the home computer until I hit refresh. I still maintain the kitten is preparing to do something that's not very nice. I just wish I knew what it was.

Aha! That did it. I got the kitten; I was wondering what people were talking about. Very sweet. But does look like it's contemplating an attack. A nice one of course, to rid the yard of vermin.

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