Pulling for Pittsburgh

Perhaps I'm being a traitor to Cascadia, but I really don't want to see Paul Allen up there with the Super Bowl Trophy. And a few bottles of Iron City beer will make more of an impression than a sea of Starbucks lattes ever will.
So go Stillers.
And now it's time for your Bojack Super Bowl Trivia Question: The first Super Bowl was held on my 13th birthday, Jan. 15, 1967. Who scored the first points, and for which team did he play?
Finally, as one of the talk show hosts noted the other night, Aretha Franklin will be singing the national anthem. I hope there's no wardrobe malfunction this year, because somebody could get killed.
Comments (15)
Re: The Trivia Question. Are you kidding? It took me a good ten minutes to remember who was the other team besides New England to win a Super Bowl in the last 4 years. And that was after going through the individual States.
Posted by Bill McDonald | February 5, 2006 1:21 PM
Are you kidding? Super Bowl I at the Rose Bowl in 1967 between the great Lombardi-era Green Bay Packers and Kansas City Chiefs, behind Len Dawson. I might have been conceived at half time... Never really thought about it, but... No, I won't think about it. I was adopted at childbirth. Too many questions to begin with, but I'm still more capable of reading a budget than Erik Sten.
Posted by Robert Ted Hinds | February 5, 2006 4:53 PM
Correct you are. And as for that guy who scored the first points (a touchdown), read all about it here.
Posted by Jack Bog | February 5, 2006 4:59 PM
P.S. Please stay on topic. No more free shots at Commissioner Sten, the City Council, etc. unless I've taken one myself in the post to which the comment thread is attached.
Posted by Jack Bog | February 5, 2006 5:02 PM
Girlie birdies going down
Posted by Hawk hater | February 5, 2006 6:53 PM
I heard Warner Wolf (NY Sports Mavin) say that tickets for the first Super Bowl were six bucks and the game was not a sellout. Now, six bucks won't buy you a beer.
Posted by Cousin Jim | February 5, 2006 7:42 PM
Icn bin kein Stiller.
Posted by Allan L. | February 5, 2006 7:42 PM
Max McGee. I knew it before hitting your link.
The Hawks lost this one more than the Steelers won. I haven't seen so many dropped passes in a Super Bowl...ever. The game plan would have work if the players had done their jobs.
Posted by teacherrefpoet | February 5, 2006 8:21 PM
Er...would have worked. This English teacher can't let that mistake go.
Posted by teacherrefpoet | February 5, 2006 8:22 PM
Gee Jack, we had some of the Iron City swill too, and and we also had some of Hale's Ales Irish Nut Brown, Amber Red Menace, and the Wee Heavy. Anybody should be ashamed for drinking that yellow water from Pennsylvania. Coors Light is a bastion of flaver compared to Iron City.
Congrats to the Steelers, but I am concerned about your beer choices Professor Jack. Head to the Widmer Gasthaus immediately.
Posted by Tex | February 5, 2006 11:39 PM
Paul Allen's teams always lose. He starts Microsoft equal with Gates, but Bill wins as figurehead and Paul is always cited as only co-founder, although he actually did mo' better code than Gates, or did coding mo' better -- better enough to be able to read the machine code of DEC's PDP-8 (minicomputer) operating system and port (copy) it into the (microcomputer) 8080-native code which P.& B. then sold as their own work. He cheated. (Programming plagiarist, which only those who knew the original DEC machine code could tell.) Cheaters never win.
Your team is jinxed if Paul Allen owns it. For example: Team Liars Larson. Paul owns that loser, too.
So, Jack, you're like, what?, exactly 9 days older than Oprah Winfrey and Ed Schultz, both born same day. On the 15th, the Sun was in Capricorn, (duh), and Moon in Gemini, the journalist / reporter -- no wonder you like to blog. Mercury (messenger) aligns with Sun that day, reinforcing writing ability -- look ma, no spellcheck needed. Further, Jupiter was aligned with the Moon, that's money and reputation and good fortune in writing. A bit off-beat is the combination of Mars and Saturn in Scorpio -- avoiding the depths of that symbolism, just on the surface let's say you might have a speciality of Wills and Trusts, and other 'instruments' of deceasedness. Also, opinions formed first in passion, not rationality; a demanding that faith be valid. (Whether it is or not.)
My friend the tax preparer is born Jan. 17. The neat people I have known, let me phrase that as 'strongest attraction relationships,' have been with Jan. 16, 17, and 18, and the vicinity. Know wonder. Happy to have you in my zone, and versa whatcha call yer vice. And Happy B.day, not too awfully late.
The King was a Capricorn, (Elvis), also Nixon, Rash Lamebrain, and Karl Rove (Christmas,1950 -- and there's a scandal in that, as I see it, that Xmas is not Rove's real birthdate, it's a fake identity, assumed; it looks like his true date is Dec.24, but it could be as much earlier as Sept-something, '50, his dad was a poetic Dylan-type vagabond and his mom a waitress in a diner on the high plains (Colorado), and he was reared by a 'foster' father' adopting his mom and him. Often in this birthday biz, I've seen adopted babies given their adoption date as their birthdate, when they are actually weeks old by then. Rove has been a lying sack of amoral hate from the first false claim he was born Christmas morning.) Sorry, I get, uh, wrapped up in my work.
Probably Paul Allen is a Capricorn, too, I don't know.
Posted by Tenskwatawa | February 6, 2006 12:47 AM
Jan. 21, 1953. Aquarius.
Posted by Jack Bog | February 6, 2006 12:51 AM
Well, this is a bit odd, but the tenth Superbowl was held on my birthday, though I was only eight. I was a huge Steelers fan (having, at the tender age of almost five, been enthralled by seeing the immaculate reception on TV), and for an eight-year-old, there could be no finer gift. In fact, it's really the only birthday gift I recall from youth. Though that, as you must know, Jack, isn't surprising for a January birthday.
So the real question is: what is it about Capricorns that makes us blog? Crankiness ... ?
Posted by Jeff | February 6, 2006 4:01 PM
None so traditional (non-sentimental) as Capricorn, and no self-expression media offers more tradition than literacy. Cap's almost always have two or more, (bilingual), just as standard equipment informing their predisposition for a worldly, international view of things. Not all Cap's blog. Not all bloggers are Cap's. But if there's a shoe and it fits, step up. My own case includes a strong dollop of Capricorn, that caprice of the calendar.
I reckon the Jan. 21 is Paul Allen. Whoever, it is a very timely and interesting (to me) chart. Aquarius, all right, barely 24-hours into the 30-day stint, which, (in '53), opened on the sixth day of the moon cycle. (Read: the 21st has Moon in Aries = athletics, sports fan.)
Time of birth is an iffy guess. (Place of birth likely Seattle ?) Hour of birth delivers the body's shape and appearance, the last 'tumbler' to 'click' into place for parturition. (Time of year sets the 'purpose' or 'spirit,' time of month sets the 'sociality' or, sorta, the 'personality,' time of day the physical body.) (Metaphor I enjoy: T.o'YR is color of vital liquid, T.o'MO is viscosity of vital liquid, T.o'clock is the container type and shape which vitality pours into.) From appearances, my guess is a birthtime for Gemini rising, (12:- 2: pm), or 6 hrs. later for Virgo rising. One other maybe to consider is Pisces rising, (about 6:- 8: am). It's probably published somewhere; 'public figure' profiles are the mainstay of astrology study periodicals. (Yes, such do exist. And circulate.)
Specifically, I guess 12:45 pm, Jan.21, and could see it as much as an hour earlier. All which means latter Taurus or early Gemini rising. 12:45 sets it at 6 or 7 degrees of Gemini. Gemini body is delicate skinned, restive limbs esp. hands, incessant mentality (worry, second thoughts), and other neural or nerve anomalies, and 'weak' teeth. Not usually fleshy, and Allen is, so maybe it's Taurus (11:am) or Cancer (2:pm) stars rising over the eastern horizon at birth, instead of Gemini.
What's interesting is the precision of this time -- Jan.21, 2006, plus or minus a couple weeks -- as a most pivotal turning point in the life. This very 'now' is a unique Change of Life, (hair turns gray?), with only age 24-25 (1977-78) as possibly precedent. Some headline trial-ballooned his selling the Blazers -- too unimaginative; try this: selling every sports franchise he owns, starting 'now' and taking 3 years to complete.
Birthtime variations, (the 7:+ am Pisces or 7:+ pm Virgo risings, shifts the Change of Life 'now' by 3 months earlier -- Nov.'05, or later -- May'06), make the turning point timing quite sensitive. My guess is this is the moment, the Super Bowl his sports-owner zenith.
Or, more appropriately, is a nadir. Either way, 'now' is as far as it goes. So said 'timing' is provisional. The rest of the chart is solid all day, almost irrespective of birthtime, in most characteristics 'fixed.' And what a 'fix' it is. Much beneficial strengths: Sun in Aquarius (sobriety), Jupiter in Taurus (wealth), Mercury in Capricorn (literate, informed), Moon in Aries (vitality, arterial perfusion), and a balanced distribution in those strengths.
Afflictions are possibly dire, to an extent that could have impaired live birth without the offsetting strengths just listed. Two difficulties especially. The amniotic (womb) fluid was compromised, contaminated; the mother wan, pallid; arduous delivery. In living, is afflicted lifelong with either a compulsive dream, (literally 'dream,' at night, asleep), or absence of dreams. Which doesn't sound too debilitating, either way, but lo, you don't know -- it's a big deal. I guess the first option: a compulsive haunting dream that ever precludes finding personal justification, a life never to know 'Why me?' It has a big impact, but it's the lesser of the two infirmities, (although it is the chronic, congenital one).
The other is more 'visible.' Consider it in metaphor. The mother contested the father, and won, in the birth. The father does not relent, though, and comes from behind to pull ahead, in the final accounting, about 5 yrs from 'now.' This outcome is desired in a male child.
Assailed gender identification is distressing but not sinister. This instance is exceptionally acute. ( I’ll give you all I’ve got to give / If you say you love me too / ). Or, ( Am I happy or in misery? / What ever it is, that girl put a spell on me /.) Moon does turn the tides gently gently away. By 2010.
I think he has a sister. I don't know of his mother and father. There is recently a lost female, very influential. The planets portend another to come, a Leo.
Posted by Tenskwatawa | February 6, 2006 10:45 PM
total sellout!
iron city beer? BLECH- try an Elliott Bay dry-hopped IPA!
The Steelers' 12th man was an upright zebra.
Posted by Sean | February 7, 2006 11:03 AM