
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 22, 2006 12:36 PM. The previous post in this blog was Faithful friend. The next post in this blog is A Western movie every day. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

E-mail, Feeds, 'n' Stuff

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


We have officially reached the halfway point in Nice Week. Like the week when I turned off comments, it's been beneficial so far. A different perspective always helps. And people like these guys.

Comments (19)


If having a "nice week" has had the causative affect it seems to have had on the quantity and quality of goodies in the news this week, then you may be able to use "nice days" in the future as a more precise instrument to counteract slow news periods.

"Nice" as a tool.

Who woulda thunk it.

It is nice to have our focus shifted to beautiful and poignant things for awhile, I think. And kittens are cool; he kitten on the header looks like it could have been Gloria as a kitten

It does look a bit like baby Gwally.

For the benefit of Mr. Bog
There won’t be a nasty log for this whole week.
The flaming crowd just won’t be there
And anyone with bile to share - it’s looking bleak.
Over many objections, cries and curses,
Lacking will be the sound of human ire
In this way, Mr. Bog will challenge the world!

The celebrated Mr. B.
Writes usually very cogently on topics great.
He handles all the comments here
In such a crazy atmosphere that some would hate
Visitors far and wide assure the people
That this blog is simply second to none
And of course Jack has no remorse dancing the waltz!

I think nice week is nice. I'm enjoying it. But I'm most excited about that link to all of the kittens. Thanks!!!!!!!

The kittens are nice, but how about some puppies? If there was a "Puppy Channel" on tv, I'd watch it all the time. Probably watch a kitten channel, too.

Okay, so since Nice Week began, I've been down with something cross between flu and cold and, thank God, not strep. After doing all the conventional remedies--sleep, water, Advil cold and flu stuff--I decided to go over to New Seasons on Division today and get the herbal remedies. On the way, I passed Clay's Smokehouse and suddenly I was cured. The aroma lured me inside and I ordered the ribs and hot link lunch special and after eating chicken noodle soup for days, it was wonderful.

I remember a while back there was a thread on cool businesses on Division and I don't think Clay's got mentioned, but they do pretty good barbecue.

Maybe as a new thread for Nice Week, people should write about their favorite businesses in their negihborhoods.


There may not be a puppy channel on tv, but isn't that why we have the web?

Is it an offshoot of nice week, but with todays articles in the Oregonian particularly the not so nice comment about taxing Neil and West Hills Volvos, is this like the plot of Freaky Friday, and Jack's Blog and the Oregonian have switched nicieness genes.

Nice week is K I L L I N G me.... please stop this experiment so I can go back to thinking mean thoughts about some of the posters here. Blueoregon is good for that, of course, but it's like shooting fish in a barrel over there...

I happen to think that today's front page report on the developments in the SoWhat district are very nice. The Oregonian is to be commended.

Patrick B's Mr. Kite send-up is most excellent!

When can we discuss -- in nice, politely restrained tones -- that very fine Measure 37 decision handed down by our distinguished and single-voiced (in this case) state Supreme Court?

Wouldn't it be nice?

I'll let you know, but it will be Sunday at the earliest.

I figured this would be a nice place to hear a discussion of the unfunded cost projections for S. Waterfront's infrastructe.

$50 million is sure an impressive amount!

It was nice of the Oregonian to report that story.

But I'm afraid that it might not be possible to have a nice, yet meaningful discussion of that issue. I'll just wait a few more days and think happy thoughts.

Maybe I'll call my Mom. It's so nice to have affordable cell phone service. I hope it remains affordable. A tax might make it harder to tell my Mom how nice I think she is.

I think I'll tell Mom about all the nice candidates who will be spending pretty nice amounts of taxpayer money to tell the nice people of Portland all about their nice ideas for city government.

Knowing my Mom, she'll say "that's nice."

One nice thing about all that expensive SoWa infrastructure.

At least all the automobiles using it will be nice.

It's nice to know that.

Uh oh, guys, that's not nice. Save it for Sunday!




I love you so much! Great place to visit!

Keep a good work man!

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