
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 23, 2006 8:57 PM. The previous post in this blog was "And my heart will go on and on". The next post in this blog is Perhaps the worm has turned. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, January 23, 2006

Why plumbers don't blog much

Isaac has remarked about it before: Sometimes you get more blog traffic when you haven't posted new material than when you have. So it's been for us today -- go figure.

What little blog time we've managed to eke out from a busy schedule has been spent contemplating, and testing, our upcoming move to a new server. As part of that transition -- which will doubtlessly have its bumpy moments, technically speaking -- we are going to have to switch our blog composition software from Movable Type 2 to Movable Type 3. Can you say, "Internal server error"?

Between that and having 2699 blog posts to move (and counting), which is more than can be handled using standard FTP tools, it's enough to, as Cousin Jim would say, make my hair hurt. I'm not complaining, but it sure is distracting me from the deep thoughts that my muse typically provides.

Hey, when in doubt, go with the weather. That was one heck of a nice day we just had here in Oregon, wasn't it? And we've got a cold, clear night under way. No nasty east wind yet, either. Long overdue.

Comments (6)

Let me know if you need my help with the technical stuff. I always say that to repairmen when they come to the house. They don't laugh either.

We? When did b!x take over? :-)

Good luck.

With b!X, it's always the editorial "we." With me, it's either the royal "we" or the Papal "we," depending on the topic.

Let me know if you need my help with the technical stuff. I always say that to repairmen when they come to the house...

Hmmm...they usally say 'what idiot did THAT?' when they come to MY house to repair my attempted home repairs.

Lemme know if you need any duct tape. I always keep plenty on hand.

I have some baling twine I can spare...;-)

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