
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 18, 2005 2:30 PM. The previous post in this blog was Mystery gift. The next post in this blog is Could have used an aerial tram. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, December 18, 2005

Winter wonderland

Nothing better than a Portland snow (which we've got at the moment).

Nothing worse than a Portland ice storm (which is likely coming tonight and tomorrow).

Better enjoy the white Christmas feeling while it's still enjoyable.

Comments (8)

I *knew* there was a reason I should have bought a bottle of wine yesterday (instead of waiting until today)...!

You need a reason?

Oregon city is iced in! I cant even see out my wondows!

ooops I mean windows of course.

I just keep waiting to see what happens to Monday and Tuesday's finals. Alas, no word from LC yet, and the roads aren't looking any better.

It's just enough snow here in Portland to produce that lovely crunching sound under your shoes.

Ooop's, I forgot to call ODOT and tell them of the forecast.

Bet those folks on I-84 West to I-5 that have been waiting there for over two hours sure wish I had remembered.

Or was it it your turn to call?

Oh well, you can watch them on the Traffic cams.

PORTLAND SATURDAY MARKET will be open until December 24th (snow, freezing rain, sleet etc). So come down and support your local frozen artist this week and give them a warm Hello!

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