
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 2, 2005 6:42 AM. The previous post in this blog was An open letter to Bruce Warner. The next post in this blog is Oprah, Dave; Dave, Oprah. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, December 2, 2005

She's not there

Today's A&E Section of the O shows Madeleine Peyroux appearing Tuesday evening at the Aladdin. But according to her web site -- and the excellent tickets that I'm holding in my hot little hand -- the show's at the Schnitz.

UPDATE, 7:40 a.m.: A reader informs us that they've moved the show to the Aladdin. And my excellent tickets are not so excellent any more. According to the Aladdin's web site:

This show has been moved from the Arlene Schnitzer Hall to the Aladdin Theater. All Schnitzer tickets will be honored at the Aladdin, but there are no longer any assigned seats. All Seating is now General Admission. Refunds are available (if desired) at point of purchase. Please call 503-234-9694 with any questions.

Yucky. Oh, well. At least they didn't go to the Crystal Ballroom, in which case I'd stay home.

Comments (9)

They moved it from the Schnitz to the Aladdin. Slow ticket sales, maybe? That's ok, the best artists usually play at the Aladdin anyway.

Bleh. Not nearly as nice a place, and forget the acoustics upstairs.

What the heck, Jack, the Crystal is a great place for a show. I've seen three of the better shows since I've been in Portland at the Crystal--Old 97s, Jayhawks/Neko Case, and Steve Earle. All outstanding.

Did you enjoy standing the whole show and constantly craning your neck to see?

A Zombies reference? That’s why you’re the best, Jack. I understand your reaction to the Crystal Ballroom, but the history of the place knocks me out. I once knew the band so I got to go down into the dressing rooms below. The walls echoed with the deep spirits. I also enjoyed seeing Toots and the Maytals there. My recent bummer at the Aladdin was when Richard Lewis canceled. I guess he woke up feeling cheerful and couldn’t go on.

I'll have to check out Peyroux. Meanwhile, Iris DeMent plays the Aladdin on Saturday night. She's awesome! (If somewhat of an acquired taste.)

The Crystal is no doubt great for the right kind of show -- a sweaty dance party, for example. But when you're trying to listen to Steve Earle sing a ballad, it's decidedly not the venue.

But when you're trying to listen to Steve Earle sing a ballad, it's decidedly not the venue.

Definitely true. One of the opening acts I saw at the C.B. was one ballad after another, and everyone just kinda stood there, milling about awkwardly. It was pretty lame.

She has filthy feet, I like her!

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