
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 19, 2005 12:00 PM. The previous post in this blog was Pretzel logic with W.. The next post in this blog is Houston, we have no problem. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, December 19, 2005

Must-hear radio

Last year, I raved on this blog about a certain rock radio show that I heard on the Wednesday before Christmas on KPSU (1450 AM). It was Christmas music with an electric guitar emphasis, and the selections were amazing.

It turns out, the show is called "Guitar Shop," and its official holiday broadcast will be this Wednesday, Dec. 21st, from 4-6 p.m. You can hear it live, I'm told, either at 1450 AM in Portland, or by going here. If you miss it, KPSU now keeps archives of its shows here.

I'm definitely planning to set my digital recorder to pick up DJ Victrola's work this year. Last year's show was that good. Rock on, Vicky!

Comments (5)

For more excellent guitar-based Christmas music, check out "Ho Ho Hoey" by guitarist Gary Hoey. There are three volumes. Great stuff.

KPSU is a lot like Portland State University. Overlooked and underappreciated by most. But pretty darn good.

Few Portland-area residents know PSU is Oregon's largest university and *has* a radio station.

I was a regular on KPSU the first year it went on the air (1994-95) because I was editor of the Daily Vanguard. In fact, I was in the studio the moment KPSU first broadcast.

Yeah....my favorite radio times have been listening to a show on KEXP, and emailing back and forth with the DJ kibitzing about being Jewish during Christmas holidays. Good times; especially college radio during the holidays when most colleges are ghost-towns.

P.S. Eric-
Few Portland-area residents can even get the station to come in...

You can listen to KPSU streaming at kpsu.org

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