
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 20, 2005 10:36 AM. The previous post in this blog was Microwave heaven. The next post in this blog is No warrant required. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Call them irresponsible

The O crossed the line of poor journalistic judgment this morning with its prominent photo of the least secure link in Portland's water supply system. You almost expect them to make a three-part series out of it. Tomorrow, a map with driving directions; Thursday, "Making a truck bomb easier than you might think."

Now I'm all for covering the vulnerabilities of the system as a way of prompting reasoned debate about security measures. But hey, Sandy, did we really need the picture?

In a week in which the nation debates how many civil liberties we should surrender in the name of public safety and national security, you would think the mainstream media would be on its best behavior. You would expect it to refrain from worsening security problems. Not in this town, apparently.

Comments (24)

Unfortunately, this isn't the first time the O has exposed the water bureau's vulnerabilities. As I recall, they have mentioned more than once the threat of fire to the Bull Run and the open reservoirs at Mt Tabor and Washington Park.

The New York Times theory of reportage is everything that they can get their hands on or that they can manufacture, and which furthers their political biases, is fair game, and to hell with any other considerations. Why should we expect any less from The Oregonian?

There's mentioning, and then there's highlighting overly graphically.

At least they left out the Mapquest driving directions, along with the Bombquest recipe.

Jaybird, please. This is not about the Times today, and mentioning them and the O in the same breath is comical.

Uh, Jack, need I point out that by linking to their photo you are gulity of the same thing? What if Tenskawata looks at it?

Don't worry, Sasha. Within a week or so, that photo, like all of those from the O, will disappear from the internet.

See, they dont really believe there is any kind of threat on the homefront, and if there was, they would just blame the fed government for "not doing enough" to protect us. So this should be expected.

Now we can find out how good the NSA secret searches really are.

Leftish law professor, phrase truck bomb and link to photo of city water supply...Be carefull if you make any overseas phone calls:-)

C'mon, people. Paranoia d-destroy-ya.

And it goes like this!

It's got to be Global Warming that explains the lack of connection to the real world that lets the O pull stuff like this.

We'll see the next column by the "dashed" Public Editor, in which he will agonize as always over the moral and ethical ramifications of the issue.

We'll hear about the need to reassess and come up with policies to address similar issues in the future.

We'll see them do the same thing within a month.

Want to bet?

I dunno. I think they might stick up for their decision on this one. We'll see.

... and the bridge where the 24(?)-inch main carrying downtown's water across the Willamette, (hello? Bull Run's on the east side, downtown's on the west side -- it has to cross somewhere), is the Sellwood Bridge. Also featured in recent O spread, on why million$ are earmarked to renovate it, (all without mention of what that pipe is up under there ....) (BTW, south Lake Oswego, down and out toward Durham, drinks Clackamas River water; where does that supply cross the Willamette?)

It sure surprised me to read someone thinks I am the threat of destruction. It never occurred to me to do damage.

It sure surprised me to read Jack thought -- first thing! -- about damaging the pipe in the photo.

Look, 'you guys' always want short quick comments, which risks being insubstantial so conveying no meaning. At that risk, my thoughts in short: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Malice, terrorism, vandalism 'opportunities,' are in the eye of the beholder. As ye seek, so shall ye find. What you do comes back to you.

Jack's seeing a civic-harm target in a pipeline, is, I think, his projection of what he's thinking with 'the wee touch of larceny that's in every man's heart.' The fear of the mystery and power inside our being. "The most powerful weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed" -- Steven Biko

The popular epidemic of 'fear of terrorists' (who don't actually exist), to me seems the ready expression of the fear inside the 'beholder' for the terrorism they imagine themself capable of and containing within, as they have put in themself and learned to see there from the 'programming' of movies and television. It never occurred to me from seeing the photo that the pipe was terrorizable.

Notice how the most fearful people -- Lars Larson -- insist the most strongly that everyone and everything in life around them is to be validly feared, emphasis on 'valid' because his aim in impugning and demeaning others is to validate his own internal psychologic affect. In actuality people are not like and are not thinking what he says they are, and until he can find others' validation, he cannot find his own.

The thought which I did have, from reading the caption, is that to bury the pipe under the river is a waste of time and effort -- good 'engineering' keeps the vital conduits in open view (but not 'on display') where they can be monitored for fault and easy to work on to repair or replace.
At one interval in my life my day job was engineering cruise missiles and engineering global thermonuclear war. That work environment is saturated with powerlust, and the degree of it goes to madness, complete insanity, so extreme are the forces humans can direct in these times. 'Bang, you're dead,' finger-pointing child's play -- times a billion. Many people don't comprehend what a billion means. Those who do are in that room where it is going on. I know how these people think, because I was paid to do the thinking for them, to engineer from where we were to where they wanted to be.

These people - Bush, Cheney, Rummy, Condi, Powell, Ashcroft, DeLay, Frist, ohmygod there's the list again -- are psychologically demented. Malformed developmental basket cases. Over-compensating in seeking power for the internal sense of ineffectual puniness. I tell you all: You are the strongest person(s) in the world, you have nothing to fear, no boogieman is gonna getcha, life is love not war, know you are as valid as the trees and the sky and you have every right to be here, none say nay, please help because you can. Know how powerful you are.

How would my children ever get the idea to damage the water pipeline? I never taught them that. I led them walking on the pipe, discussed with them how many people's lives were made richer by this technology, described what to watch for in advance of failure and the tolerances and strengths of the materials, and passed to them their responsibility to share in the community vigilance and awareness, and that that is where their freedom and liberty come from. That opportunity and responsibility, openness and limits, self-freedom and self-restraint, are yin and yang always, bound together inextricable, inseparable, they are the same thing, they always and only come paired. Matter and anti-matter.

My own formulation: You can know nothing without a contrast. Others say it: You don't know what you got 'til it's gone.

Jack, who taught you to notice the weak to exploit, and that protection was a matter of barriers to access and knowledge keeping out the unconscienced, (the child), instead of that protection is a matter of inclusion and satisfying the natural curiosity to learn and instilling the sense of sharing in the collective responsibility?
Protection is what each of us does; protection is not keeping other from doing. I think the pipe is better protected by everyone learning where it is and to pitch in, make it a point, to keep an eye on it when we are in the area as (learning) recognition that that responsibility falls on us by being in that vicinity by our freedom of travel.

Teach your children well. And feed them on your dreams, the ones you know, the ones they go by.

Solid solstice, everybody. We got a lot of work to do together before November to Clean Sweep the House by electing a slate of 435 replacements ... I just was noticing the present configuration is broken down to uselessness and not Representative of democracy's people at all.

I think the pipe is better protected by everyone learning where it is and to pitch in, make it a point, to keep an eye on it when we are in the area as (learning) recognition that that responsibility falls on us by being in that vicinity by our freedom of travel.

Our society is no longer wired this way, if it ever was. Would that it were.

It sure surprised me to read Jack thought -- first thing! -- about damaging the pipe in the photo.

Its not Jack. Its the world we live in...and contrary to popular opinion, its not just the US that created it.

The popular epidemic of 'fear of terrorists' (who don't actually exist)

Riiight....ok, so who perpetrated the attacks on the WTC in 93 & 9/11? Or the USS Cole?

Some high school kid who didnt think he had enough friends?

These people - Bush, Cheney, Rummy, Condi, Powell, Ashcroft, DeLay, Frist, ohmygod there's the list again -- are psychologically demented.

THEY are???? Check your meds...

I thought water crosses the Wilamette on the Ross Island Bridge, not the Sellwood.

See, Jack!

I TOLD you Tenskawata was gunna see that picture.

Did you know at Abu Graib they forced detainees to read Tens' posts? Amnesty International put a stop to that real quick.

I just realized that, in trying to be cute, I referred to the Public Editor at the O as "dashed".

My sincerest apologies; he's "hyphenated" - not "dashed".


I don't think they'll stick up for their decision because I doubt there was a decision. I don't think the concerns you raised (which I share) were even considered before publication. Such things just don't enter their consciousness because the issues fall outside the area covered by their tunnel vision.

Please keep this a secret, the main water line from Bull Run to the west side is buried under the Willamette, but I'm not going to tell you where exactly. It is easy to tinker with.

across the country there are numerous 'vulnerable ' facilities.

we could spend zillions making the world 'safer'.

and then we'd be too broke to have any fun.

that would show the terroristas!

Bless them all, everyone. If you can't behave civilized, the terrorists win. They see you when you're sleeping. They know

Jon, there are serious accounts to answer your questions -- Whose dunnit? -- when it is a serious question.

Not who you were told did it, that's one thing. I found things about it to read on three sites. There are others, and the meaty ones are usually ex-CIA or ex-FBI (a couple of those are running for Congress) or ex-Special Ops or, anyway, they speak the lingo. Even Wonkette gets a piece of this or that inside intelligence baseball. This is 'che chatter' you hear so much about. Judge for yourself.

But first you'd have to read the case.

All three are under heavy bombardment by crashers and bangers trying to take the sites down.

Random stuff goes by on portland.indymedia.org if you keep your eye out for it, and del the b.s. and ponder the dots that connect.

One ultimate reference grail, to dip back into from time to time, listing all the indictments of CIA m.o., is the book by the real life Fletcher Prouty, and some guy played him -- the maverick CIA 'good cop' -- in some movie I never saw. Here.

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