Flatfoot rhubarb
Living under the jurisdiction of the Multnomah County commissioners is like eating lunch in a middle school cafeteria in a rough part of town. You're sitting there trying to consume your burger and fries in peace, when all of a sudden somebody yells, "Fight!" and you turn around and a couple of the bad kids are wrestling and throwing the plastic chairs at each other.
Today's instigator of fisticuffs is Commissioner Lisa Naito, who, reminiscent of Helen of Troy, has sicced former County Sheriff Dan Noelle on current Sheriff Bernie "the Intervenor" Giusto. As best I can tell, Giusto wants a bunch of money out of the commissioners for jail beds, but Naito brought in Noelle to say it's a bad idea.
It didn't stop there. Noelle basically yelled "Yo mama" at Bachelor Bernie by pointing out that his plan would cost the county big bunches of money in overtime, and that's just what the officers' union wants. Then Noelle threw in a comment about how the union had dumped a bunch of dough into Bernie's campaign coffers the last time he was running, and he pretty much came right out and said that the sheriff was in effect bought and paid for.
"Was not!"
"Were too!"
"Come over here so I can kick your a*s."
"No, you come over here."
"Like ths?"
"Say your prayers, punk."
Meeeeooowwwww! Maybe they can go upstairs and settle this, man to man, amid the wildflowers on the eco-roof.
Comments (3)
Giusto has enough money to give personnel and jail beds to the Feds for "Homeland Security", but he can't find money to open jail beds for the county?
After Portland pulled out of the JTTF, Giusto offered county cooperation.
"We're not in competition with the city of Portland," Giusto said. "We weren't offering anything as much as we were trying to see if there
were any sheriff's resources that could help. We're still in the process of talking about exactly what we're going to do. . . . We're
talking personnel, but we're also talking about things like jail beds and other resources."
Posted by Renee | November 29, 2005 11:45 AM
Hard to discern the "bad guy" here - Noelle shilling for Naito? Ever helpful Bernie a pawn of the unions? Heavens!!!
I suggest we lock them both up in the Wapato facility 'til they kiss and make up. Wait, who'll know they're there, who'll feed them?
Who cares
Posted by rickyragg | November 29, 2005 11:52 AM
An investigator once told me that when factions of good olds start to bicker with each other, rejoice! It means their "house of cards held together with Crazy Glue is collapsing".
I have an issue with Good Old Lisa Naito: Proclaming friendship with MC Animal Services director, Mike Oswald, she is attempting to "update" rather than enforce recommendations of a 2000 task force report that MCAS move in a pro-animal, pro pet owner direction. The report is based on extensive public meetings and process that Naito seems to want to nullify with a cabal of select insiders. I worry because Patti Strand, President of the National Animal Interest Alliance, an animal use group that has been enmeshed with MCAS since the early 90s, lives in Naito's district. Some others and I have been asking the commissioners to hire outside consultant Nathan Winograd (www.nokillsolutions.com) to perform an audit. Wise spending now will save many dollars and much heartache later. Diane Linn and Lonnie Roberts seem most willing to listen and most interested in doing things right.
Posted by Cynthia | November 29, 2005 11:11 PM