
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 30, 2005 10:07 AM. The previous post in this blog was Is this thing on?. The next post in this blog is Another PDC deal craters. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, November 30, 2005

A kitty's best friend

One of the great "cat ladies" of Portland is packing it in.

Patty Davies of the Animal Rescue & Care Fund has announced in the group's latest newsletter that she's "taking a break" from animal rescue starting in January. She's been doing it for more than 20 years.

When we first got our two pet cats nearly 10 years ago, we had all sorts of questions and concerns, some of them quite urgent, and we were lucky to discover Patty and her organization. She spent large amounts of time with us on the phone, and the advice she dispensed was invaluable. In the past year, Animal Rescue has taken more than 500 such phone calls, placed more than 250 cats in new homes, and provided complete vet care for more than 60 strays. They are great promoters of spaying and neutering, mailing out more than 200 discount coupons for such services this year. They've got a remarkable network of vets with whom they work to make life better for hundreds of animals, nonstop.

Other volunteers will try to take up the slack, but there's no replacing Patty. Let's hope she gets a great rest for a year or so, and then decides to come back and resume helping our remarkable feline friends as only she can.

Comments (2)

She deserves a break; she was an active cat lady when I moved here in late 1979. We all have to pass the torch to the next generation. Those she educated can educate others. Lots of people are catching on, but the spay neuter message still is not reaching many who need it. I fault the big organizations who could afford to put the message "in our faces" for that.

I have had the good fortune to work with Patty for several years. She is indeed a cat's best friend. I hope that she gets the break she needs and doesn't leave too large a hole in the organization.

She and her husband hand made some of my feline friend's favorite toys...lovingly known in my household as "Patty Rats".

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