
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 13, 2005 4:39 PM. The previous post in this blog was Rank incompetence. The next post in this blog is Anonymous blog comments: your constitutional right. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, October 13, 2005

Curious cross-pollination

Hey, what's the deal over at Channel 8 here in Portland? The last couple of nights now, on their 11:00 newscast, they stop in the middle of a story and say, "You can read all about it in tomorrow morning's Oregonian." Then they show the next day's front page.

The other night, one of the beat reporters (I think it was Nicole "The Doll") even held up the paper for the camera. And she said (through those impossibly glossy lips), "Read all about it in tomorrow's Oregonian," at least twice. You wonder who's getting paid what to say what about whom. But it's kind of funny to have the newscasters in effect reading a paid ad in the middle of the newcast. You think they should have to flash something like "ADVERTISEMENT" along the bottom of the screen.

What next? Maybe that couple from Mattress World can show up on the set with their boys and jump around behind the sports guys.

Comments (11)

still better than the news on Fox 12 - as an update to a discussion here awhile back, last night I heard, right after meth watch, that Cynthia Nixon (of Sex and the City "fame") will be guest starring on House. Thanks Wayne.

It's all staged anyway. Just look at our Dear Leader today, using the troops as props again:

Troops coached in Bush's teleconference
Oct 13: What was billed as a conversation between President Bush and U.S. soldiers turns out to have been choreographed to match the president's goals for the war in Iraq.

Be sure to watch the video linked on the page.

Perhaps then we can call in and ask the Mattress World couple what diet they are following. That's what we all are wanting to learn.

I could totally be wrong about this, so forgive me if I am. Back in my days as professional temp, I worked everywhere including OregonLive and KGW (even at Lewis and Clark Law School). I seem to recall that OregonLive, KGW and the Oregonian have the same parent company in New Jersy.

Hmmm...now, is this an advertising ploy, or a marketing ploy? It's a game either way, but I suspect that it's the latter: "We have the story now. Read all about it tomorrow morning."

"If you're one of the five people watching this newscast - please buy the paper!"

KGW and The O are not owned by the same people. The O is owned by the Newhouse clan, a.k.a. Advance Publications; KGW is owned by Belo. The TV station has changed hands a few times, I think, but I don't believe it was ever owned by the Newhouses.

Advertising ties between The O and KGW are old hat. They plug each other's mutual use of Matt Zafino, the weather guy, for example. But it's never been right in the middle of a news story, with the reporters doing it.

Whoops. Should have checked before posting. For some reason I thought Belo and Newhouse were related. I did find this tidbit from Googling Belo and Newhouse, however. Don't know how accurate it is, and doubt it has any relevence today.

>>>1953 King buys KGW Portland (launched 1922) from Newhousehttp://

The "meth" o dology of the O and TV: focusing on the meth crisis and not "designer" drugs irks me. Doctors and lawyers may be able to afford cocaine so they don't have to commit burglary to fund the habit. But there are public safety ramifications. We have a medical malpractice crisis, too. And a DA can get twisted rulings from a judge or pro tem with secrets. Also, journalists dissed the late Gary Webb for his work on the Cocaine trade (port of entry in Oregon). It's like we can't talk about the real money makers and the stuff in which OUR government is enmeshed. I'd like to know what Teddy Neil knows about it.

Hy "all staged":

I bet you were equally outraged and driven to post off-subject messages when Clinton's walk on the beaches of Normandy in 1996 included a rearranging of stones into a cross; stones placed there earlier in the day by Clinton staffers.

And then the quiet stroll where he straightened out the grave flag that had been flattened by a staffer earlier. That one was followed by a tear.

Anyone with even a smattering of political knowledge knows you dont just throw your guy out there to wing it. This stuff is always scripted. Drop the righteous ignorance, stuff the Bush hating in the closet, and relax. This is standard fare in politics and high school debate - preparation.

Agreed-- if its on camera its probably been rehearsed (Dem or Rep). But Bush's Q&A was a complete disaster even with rehearsal. Worst rehearsed staging..ever.

Marketing will always trump news with corporate media. What Jack saw was the incremental creep of money into the broadcast. Its just getting more blatant these days. I think they should just accelerate to where we're heading, anyway: Tom Peterson doing the news. (And Gloria, too!)

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