
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 11, 2005 4:05 AM. The previous post in this blog was One disaster after another. The next post in this blog is Sunday visitors. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, September 11, 2005

Your house is waiting

Shirts in the closet, shoes in the hall
Mama's in the kitchen, baby and all
Everything is everything
Everything is everything
But you're missing

Coffee cup's on the counter, jacket's on the chair
Paper's on the doorstep, but you're not there
Everything is everything
Everything is everything
But you're missing

Pictures on the nightstand, TV's on in the den
Your house is waiting, your house is waiting
For you to walk in, for you to walk in
But you're missing, you're missing

You're missing, when I shut out the lights
You're missing, when I close my eyes
You're missing, when I see the sun rise
You're missing

Children are asking if it's alright
Will you be in our arms tonight?

Morning is morning, the evening falls, I got
Too much room in my bed, too many phone calls
How's everything, everything?
Everything, everything
But you're missing, you're missing

God's drifting in heaven, devil's in the mailbox
I got dust on my shoes, nothing but teardrops

-- Bruce Springsteen

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