
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 29, 2005 1:24 PM. The previous post in this blog was Go ahead, it's just a game. The next post in this blog is No, not that one, the other one. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, September 29, 2005

Missed opportunity

Now here's an international event that Portland should be sending an ambassador to. Grampy's in Mexico -- maybe the commissioner who's our "liaison to the International Council on Local Environmental Issues" ought to be there.

It also looks like something the governor should be attending.

Comments (6)



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Too bad there's not a job like "entire state and city government chief of staff," cause then you could sit there and decide who goes to which conferences and skips others, and who goes on which trips and how to pay for them. That would be SO much more fun than actually being elected to office and having to be criticized for deciding which trips to take.

Ooooooooh....Bog man....wussy whiners are after you....suggest to them they belong on the O's BACK FENCE.

Seriously....this town needs more than a little irreverent skewering on a regular basis....as opposed to "making nice" all the time. The O is really missing the boat....Spandex JonBoy ain't getting it done.

Keep up the good work....take your shots where and when you see them.

Too bad there's not a job like "entire state and city government chief of staff," cause then you could sit there and decide who goes to which conferences and skips others, and who goes on which trips and how to pay for them. That would be SO much more fun than actually being elected to office and having to be criticized for deciding which trips to take.

Bye. Give my love to your boss, who I'm sure has much thicker skin than you do.

How about not taking any trips, other than coming back to the home district from time to time and listening to constituents? Nah - too simple. How else would we learn about US foreign aid to Tahiti without actually going there?

He did come home recently. Took a look at I-5 and decided it should be torn up and turned into a park. Said those of us who use it daily could use the "surface streets".

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