
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 7, 2005 9:49 PM. The previous post in this blog was Coulda been a contender. The next post in this blog is If it's not "financially feasible," stay in California. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

E-mail, Feeds, 'n' Stuff

Wednesday, September 7, 2005


"Yeah, I heard your damn warnings. Go stick 'em where the sun don't shine! I don't care how bad it is, or how bad it's going to get. And I sure don't care what you think of me. I'm sticking it out right where I am. I'm a grownup, and I know what I'm doing. Now go away and leave me alone before I shoot your a*s!"

-- America, November 3, 2004

Comments (8)


So Americans who re-elected Bush were as stupid as the ones refusing to leave NOLA?

"Yeah, I heard your damn warnings. Go stick 'em where the sun don't shine! I don't care how bad [the country] is, or how bad it's going to get. And I sure don't care what you think of me. I'm sticking it out right where I am. Now go away and leave me alone before I shoot your a*s!"


"So Americans who re-elected Bush were as stupid as the ones refusing to leave NOLA?"

no. i would say that NOLA holdouts had at least some reason to try and save what they had. especially since they may not have known exactly what they were in for.

people who voted for bush however, (i won't say "elected," and certainly would never say "re-elected" since neither actually happened.) had almost four years of experience for what they were going to get. (i.e.: war, cuts in domestic spending, tax cuts for the wealthy, programs with Orwellian titles, etc...)

so, there's really no comparison if you think about it...

Speaking of holdouts-against reality and the public interest in this case-; through sadness and anger I have been reflecting on The Company Man, the yes person, the reluctant professional. I met him in law school as student and teacher; and I have met him in the persons of lawyers, judges and journalists. And now, it seems, I have encountered him in the person of a close friend's husband. He's a journalist who became a PR man for universities; he's worked at Harvard and Berkeley. Now he has applied to promote SoWA for OHSU. An activist friend and I had dinner with him and told him about some of the issues and problems. I intended to broaden his horizons and help him to think so that he might be in a position to do something other than sell snake oil. But now he is spreading gossip that I have committed heresy by daring to criticize his potential employer. I told him he has believed the half-truth and is being used. Another token hispanic with ties to Harvard. I just heard Tom Petty singing "You don't have to live like a refuge". And I won't. Truth oriented people should not have to take the back seat.


I thought it was funny. Nice analogy.

Sounds like what Harry Truman said on May 17th, 1980.

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