
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 19, 2005 2:59 AM. The previous post in this blog was Of sweeps and rugs. The next post in this blog is Can't explain. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, September 19, 2005

Buzz kill

Today's eco-question: Not that I miss them, but where are all the yellowjackets this year?

Comments (13)

in my backyard

I noticed that as well, Jack.

I did see four or five yellow jackets devouring a mouse carcass my cat disgorged the other day. Other than that, they haven't been half the nuisance they were last year.

Must be global warming.

Better than global swarming

We have a few nests this summer(4 at last count), but way better than the 24 last summer. The cold rainy spring drowned out some of them, for which I was grateful....


I too have noticed the lack of yellowjackets this year. However, as soon as I read your post I went out to my car and a yellowjacket promptly flew right into my face; thankfully he kept his stinger on safety.


I was talking with the pest control guy who works for my organization about this just a couple of weeks ago - he says that we had a brief period of warm weather early on, which got them active, followed by a prolonged period of cold and rainy weather, which blew their metabolism and killed most of them.

In my yard, I think the moles ate the yellowjackets. I assume this is like a fertility drug for the moles since they have been going like crazy.

Now that you mention it, I haven't seen any this year either and I'm writing in from central Texas.

Scorpions, yes. Giant venemous redheaded centipedes (gotta see these to believe them), yes. Got lots of those. But no yellowjackets this year.

From what I can tell, all of the various insect life has been screwy ever since our strange four weeks of sun between med-Feb and mid-March. Here in Oak Grove, we had mosquitoes in winter. Then the rains set in and lasted for a couple of months.

Plants have been affected (vegetable gardens are wonky this year), as have insects. How many honey bees have you seen this year? I didn't see many. Part of this is probably due to the catastrophic disease that's wiping out honey bee populations, but I think a lot of it is due to the weather.

There are yellow jackets around, just not many.

All the honeybees are at my house, hovering around the giant rosemary bush that's currently blooming.

they are apparently all in my yard. want some?

They were SO bad last year!

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