
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 29, 2005 3:14 PM. The previous post in this blog was More on the Alexan. The next post in this blog is Silly girl. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, August 29, 2005

Let freedom ring

If you ever want to see who's walking the streets because Multnomah County can't get its act together to have anywhere near the right number of jail beds, go here.

And don't miss this one -- no, it's not her.

Comments (11)

I know, it's supposed to be "it's not she." But that's just too correct for a post like this.

That site threatens the community - "we're releasing all these thieves because we're underfunded." But really, they wouldn't be releasing anyone if they didn't jail PCSs or misdeameanor DUIs in the first place.

I dunno Jack, writing for the Oregonian seems to border on a crime for your buddy the architect 'reviewer'

Cory - Also keep in mind, we'd rather lock up non-violent drug users than pedeophiles and violent criminals. And by 'we', I mean the same collective 'we' that voted for a $42-million aerial tram [rim shot].

They could cut the number in half if they just legalized pot.

Some of those folks really need to be kept away from society.

Very progressive, indeed. Kudos.


Trying to find the right "lost his head" joke, but I can't get it to come out right.

I'd be more than happy to let one of those folks out on the streets in order to free up a jail bed for the Oregonian's architecture critic. He's doing far more damage to the community than one of those meth-heads ever will.

PCS arrests by themselves will generally NOT result in a jail booking. If one peruses the charges on that site, one will discover that. For that matter, I'd wager the majority of times where a Portland officer has probable cause on a person for PCS, the person isn't even arrested or cited in lieu of arrest. Portland cops are well aware of spinning their wheels on PCS arrests in Multnomah County and many favor legalization of marijuana.

DUIIs simply must be lodged at jail for public safety and government liability reasons. A DUII defendant, notwithstanding other charges, will be released usually within 4-6 hours after lodging.

Furthermore, the released prisoner issue encompasses more than just people matrixed from jail. The Multnomah County jail will not accept suspects solely charged with one or more misdemeanors from a long enumerated list. Consequently, many suspects who would otherwise be lodged at jail are given a Summons by officers which notifies them of their court date. This cite-in-lieu policy effectively adds many, many more people to the released prisoner numbers. Care to guess how many show up at their court dates?

There are loads of problems with matrixing as carried out by the County. One that befuddles me is matrixing a Burglary I defendant. That's not just a property crime, that's a death or serious physical injury waiting to happen. Oregonians have the right to shoot first and ask questions later to a home intruder, and plenty of burglars carry weapons in case they come across unwanted people inside a house. I guess it'll take a death or maiming to challenge Multnomah County on the issue.

If the court, prosecutors, and police know that cites-in-lieu never show up to court, and if the underlying PCS charges do not justify jail bookings, they should get their heads out of their asses and stop that futile process.

I searched for inmates released to addresses in my zip code, and found one guy who has been arrested three times for theft in the last month. At what point of recidivism does the county decide to keep someone locked up?

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