
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 27, 2005 3:07 AM. The previous post in this blog was Reading is fun. The next post in this blog is The worst of Times. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

E-mail, Feeds, 'n' Stuff

Saturday, August 27, 2005


Every once in a while, this blog gets a visit from a reader interested in a bar band called Holme, which absolutely ruled the Jersey Shore (and some North Jersey bars during the winter) in the early 1970s, when I was a college student. I wrote about them here in May 2003 as part of a piece about the wild, innocent Springsteen-esque shore scene in which I was a weekend participant.

Today comes the surprising word that the band has reunited, and is playing at none other than the famous D'Jais Bar on the beach in Belmar, where I remember them best. I recognize at least three of the names of the band members -- it's the same guys. What I'd give to make that scene on a Monday night.

"Play some T. Rex, man!"

UPDATE, 9/7, 2:35 am: The group has now got a website going, and there's also a fan blog up with some photos. Whoa, the boys look a little older than they did in '74! Can't see why -- I still look the same.

Comments (2)

When I was growing up in Saudi Arabia, the oil towns featured two prominent rock bands for the hundreds of American kids living near the Persian Gulf. I was the bass player for one and it turned out the lead singer from the other also ended up in Portland. We began playing music here as well. Recently someone from the organization made up of these American children of the desert kingdom, began reconstructing the history of the early rock bands of those years. I emailed him the following about our current band: "It's an old picture from 2004, because we just played Seattle again this past weekend and the pictures aren't ready yet." The guy was trying to reconstruct 1968 and I wrote him about the gig from the day before. Sounds like the band Holme took a similar approach to getting older. My email was called “Not Fade Away.”

Dear Mr. Bogdanski:
A copy of this entry was given to me by Frank Sementa last night. I have seen Holme nearly every night since they've reunited. In the morning I would email my friends about it. I took those emails & created a "Holme" Blog on AOL. If you are interested: http://journals.aol.com/michelekoslow/Holme/
Holme's website: holmeband.com. It will be functionable shortly & photos will be posted soon. Frank was thrilled you were discussing them.

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