
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 26, 2005 5:41 PM. The previous post in this blog was Maybe it was the soda. The next post in this blog is What else is new?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Sweet Lou

One of the great things in modern life is having a capable physician that you can count on and trust. I am blessed to have just such a doctor, and today it was time for my regular routine visit, to see how my 51-year-old body is doing.

Thank heaven, the answer appears to be, pretty much fine. Not what it was when I was 21, or 31, but not bad. There are a couple of things to watch, and there are some choices that only I can make, but I'm letting my man Dr. Lou take the worry out of things for me.

I had a few really good numbers that I'm bragging about. BMI of 23.8, chol. 185, LDL 109, ratio 3.1, PSA a mere 0.71. And how's your C-reactive protein? I'm down there at 0.6, which Lou tells me is good.

Generous with his time, not working for the insurance companies, keeping up on the latest, listening carefully, helping me put (and keep) things in perspective. Ya gotta love the guy. I couldn't ask for better.

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