
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 13, 2005 7:05 PM. The previous post in this blog was You say it's her birthday. The next post in this blog is End of the innocence. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, June 13, 2005

Tracy gets a timeout

Read the latest on the Portland Development Commission soap opera here.

In other PDC news, the four finalists for executive director have been named, and it's not an encouraging list for those of us hoping for change over there. The Portland Business Journal has it here. We'll moan about it on this blog later.

Comments (10)

Can't wait to hear Jack moaning again!

Meanwhile, who is Martha Richmond? New flak?
Oh, sorry, PDC's public relations specialist?

Typical!! Mazziotti, Winston, the fellow who started Portland Family of Funds on PDC's dime, and then left to start the PFF, and on and on.... BUT it's the woman who gets suspended.

If I were a prosecutor, I'd give Ms. Smith a call in the morning. See if she'd like to come by for coffee. 8c)

Richmond isn't new.

I have no idea what it takes to motivate the City of Portland and PDC to be as moral as to actually investigate and then do something with this bunch of parasites.

This lip service of "we are investigating" is getting boring after which they actually do nothing.

If I remember Potter, one of his top priorities was going to be to investigate the Police/Fire Ret/Dis fund - at least until Mr Leonard started to become Uncle Tom's shill.

This lip service of "we are investigating" is getting boring after which they actually do nothing.

If I remember Potter, one of his top priorities was going to be to investigate the Police/Fire Ret/Dis fund - at least until Mr Leonard started to become Uncle Tom's shill.

Boy did Steve nail this point, trouble is the demograpfics here have a short attention span, and nothing will get done.

Who is the smart ass attorney that advised Ms. Tracy Smith to waive her Fifth Amendment privilege against self incrimination. Is this a personal and individual matter that is somehow unique? I rather think not. She was paraded to The Oregonian in a PR move to save a larger thing.

My further whining . . . offsite . . .on the search for a new executive . . .

Oregon's Government By Cabal And Superficiality Of Accountability

Tracy Smith, now on paid leave (vacation) from her $90,000+ PDC full time job, can devote more time towards her own consulting business Inhance.biz.

Of course no one knows, yet, how much time she was devoting to it while she also worked for the PDC.

It may be enlightening to learn her client list and business history.

Perhaps the "investigation" will reveal some interesting names.

Not that I would suggest any conflicts of interests.

On the news side, the O's Ryan and Zaitz appear to be doing some good work.

As more people begin understanding the near total lack of ethical constraints on PDC money it is very easy to imagine a money grabbing frenzy which has the greatest amounts going to those with the greatest influence.

Not that I would suggest anything crooked.

Well, no Arnold Schwarzeneggers of the Planning Profession in that list, eh Jack?

Knowles was Portland Planning Director for a few years. He was put in place when Vera canned Bob Stacey, widely seen as Blumenauer's boy, in the mid-1990's. I'm not sure why he left, but if he's associated with Portland planning, I'm sure your 'agin him.

Don't know anything about the others. Am eagerly awaiting your verdict.

Come to think of it, there AREN'T any Arnold Schwarzeneggers in the Planning Profession. There are some crusty old-timers from my early days who would've kicked ass and taken names, but they all believed in the urban renewal mantra of the 1950's and 1960's. And they're all dead or drooling by now.


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