Take one tablet before voting, for ignorance
I've been so busy with exams, grades, and the end of the school year that I haven't gotten into downtown Portland enough. Apparently they are handing out smart pills down there.
The Oregonian editorial board took some this week. Not only did they roast the City Council for spending scarce tax dollars on politicians' campaigns without first putting the matter up for a public vote, but they also called them out on the shutdown on the Buckman Pool -- a clear breach of the public trust. Good for the O.
However, their editorial staff apparently missed the smart pill handout. Today they mistakenly reported that the City Council had "voted 3-1 Wednesday to let voters decide in 2010 whether they want to keep offering public campaign financing to City Hall candidates, assuming they approve the funding plan next week." Actually, as has been reported more capably elsewhere, that's legally impossible. What was actually passed was a weasel resolution that calls on somebody or other to draft up language that a future City Council can use to refer the matter to voters. But there's no guarantee that will ever happen. What is guaranteed is that we'll start blowing public money on local politicians' TV ads immediately.
But back to the smart pills. My pal, Commissioner "Fireman Randy" Leonard, apparently took a smart pill within the last week or so. He voted no on the campaign finance matter, and he's in the paper today demanding that the Buckman pool get fixed and stay open. Damn right, bud -- you're entitled to my opinion.
Obviously, no one gave a smart pill to Commissioner Erik "Opie" Sten. If he took one, it would kill him.
Ditto for Matt Hennessee, chair of the Portland Development Commission for 51 more days and counting. Recall that Mayor Tom Potter has called foul on the PDC commissioners' bogus decision to award the Burnside Bridgehead development contract to Opus Northwest rather than Beam. Well, today wise old Constable Tom called for the two companies to build the project together -- an extremely cool idea. Responded Hennessee: "I'm very happy that the mayor has exerted his leadership on this issue." No kidding, Matt. There hasn't a drop of leadership in any of the suits at the PDC any time in recent memory. Watch Potter and learn.