
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 2, 2005 2:10 PM. The previous post in this blog was Audio Cheez Whiz. The next post in this blog is Bonzi, glad you're gonzi. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, May 2, 2005

Quotation of the Week

"It's outrageous, even for McMinnville."

Comments (12)

Perhaps you skimmed past the juicy parts, Jack.

"It's not something I welcome, but my hands are tied."
Though a newcomer to town himself, he shares their frustration, he said.

I first read: 'fascination.'

I really, REALLY, do not care to know what swingers from McMinnville look like. Not in the least.

interesting that in more than one quote, citizens bemoan the loss of that veritable den of good family virtues--a bar. Drunks fighting and then driving home--OK! No threat to the community there. But people fucking inside a house? OutRAGEOUS!

McMinnville is by all reports I know a neat town. This club is outside of Sheridan, wherever that is. Its homebase is Vancouver, WA, so there's the snob-snort material for whomever should need it.

The McMinnville News-Register is one of the better state papers. Their archive of PERS reports is a great resource.

I thought Maude Flanders had written this article... "think of the children!"

I always find that running throughout this type of article is a very real fear that people are gonna find out about this...AND LIKE IT!!

It's kinda funny, though--how many people knew there was a new swinger hangout in McMinnville before this was written? And now how many do? What other business gets free advertising like this?

The swinger joint's in Sheridan, not McMinnville. I think the guy who runs it is from McMinnville.

Anyway, "Mac" is a great place. I even got married there once myself. It's funny, though -- to people in Sheridan, McMinnville's where "outrageous" stuff normally happens. Everything's relative, I guess.

My reaction is somewhat like torridjoe's:
They don't mind a Federal Correctional Institution right next door, but a bunch of folks having SEX? Damn, gonna wreck the neighborhood!

wow, i can't believe people are mixing up sheriden with mcminnville. i went to linfield - to get from sheriden to mcminnville you go through Newberg, Dundee and Lafayette, a good 20-30 miles.

Gee, Brett, you must have flunked geography while you were there. Sheridan is 14 miles west of McMinnville along Hwy 18. You don't go thru any of the towns you mention to get there.

Anyone who has driven to Lincoln City, or the Grande Ronde Casino, has gone right by the club. Just past the DQ, down the hill, right where you cross the RR tracks by the prison sewage ponds.

Sex in Sheridan? Didn't anyone tell them where children come from?

They should change the venue to McMinnville, to the air museum. Use the interior of Hughes' flying boat... they could call it "goosin in the Goose"

Must be nice not to have anything else to worry about. Me, I'm still trying to decide if I should jump ship from my company before the expected merger, or wait to see if I have a job afterwards.

Oh, wait, those aren't the important things to care about. Right.

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