
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 4, 2005 7:17 PM. The previous post in this blog was Sneak preview for Portlanders. The next post in this blog is Front-runner emerges for Pope. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, April 4, 2005


To Nigel Jaquiss of the Willamette Week, who has won a Pulitzer Prize for blowing the whistle on Neil Goldschmidt.

Comments (8)

Congratulations are very much in order. The only downside is that by winning the Pulitzer Prize for exposing the Goldschmidt scandal, Nigel isn't likely to get another Pulitzer this year for blowing the whistle on the TPG/PGE deal.

And there's another good one fairly recently, which shall go nameless... Can't wait to see what Hank Stern digs up, if he gets out there. Kudos to Mark Zusman as well, of course.


Interesting clues...Stern, dig...hmmm

Are you hinting at the connection between excavation-intensive projects here and in the eastern city who's name we almost bore? Both do share a certain contractor and involve water. And while the Oregonian hasn't ever gotten the story exactly right, Stern seems to be the reporter who covers the project most.


Yes, Nigel deserves major congratulations. Unfortunately, this certainly lessens chances he'll stick around Portland.

But where's the book deal? This entire Humbert thing is strange enough, complicated enough, lascivious enough and entertaining enough to warrant a book and Nigel's the man for it.

A publishing friend has contacted Nigel but there's no book afoot. My friend doesn't think the national public would be sufficiently intrigued, even if she could pull it off.

Does it have to be local to sell a sick story of major power broker, mayor, governor/child rape/mother worked for Humbert/important people knew, didn't divulge and benefitted from Humbert/newspaper's editors were told about it/Humbert became big federal agency head/Humbert removes self from spotlight/child victim becomes messed-up druggie/Humbert and cronies run big city for decades/story finally breaks due to plucky outsider?

Don't be too sure about Nigel leaving Portland. My understanding is that he left an extremely lucrative position on Wall Street to come here and has a real commitment both to Portland and to his work.

For me, I certainly hope he stays. And I say that as someone who has been personally skewered by him and didn't like it one bit.

I do enjoy it, however, when he skewers others. :-)

My first career was as a reporter. I'm pretty sure Nigel will leave if he really has ink in his blood. Seven years in one city should have made him restless. And, as a middle-aged reporter, he should get at least one overseas assignment under his belt before it is too late. I also think he could use the discipline of a daily newspaper. Though some of his work is good, he tends to chase causes too much.

BTW, I did not see the late edition of the 'O' yesterday. Does anyone know how it played WW winning a Pulitzer?

Page 1, single column, below the fold.


Get out! The 'O' managed to say 'sexual abuse' when referring to a Mover and Shaker. And, how about that 'we're not really sleeping' description of their meth series?

Thanks for the info, Jack.

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