
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 5, 2005 2:44 PM. The previous post in this blog was No excuses. The next post in this blog is Why not an NCAA Football Final Four?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, January 5, 2005

Word I've quickly grown tired of


Comments (15)

Dave? David Letterman, is that you?

Sadness! This is one of my favorite words.

If I could -- with a great, big red pen -- remove any instance of the words "glitterati" or "solutions-oriented," I would be delighted.

That cuts. That cuts deeply.

Now now, Betsy. I said that as snarkily as I could.

English is cluttered with old onomatopoeiae. We should come up with something new...



I find it's a word that makes people bristle when they could be described as such.

I'm with you. I immediately and irrationally dislike anyone using that word. It drives me absolutely crazy and I swear I'm not grumpy as I write this. "Whatnot" is a close second for me.

Has Dave been talking about "snarky"? I just watched him for the first time in a few weeks, and he and Marv Albert were talking about "snarky." I had no idea.

Well, working as I do for a site with "snark" in its tagline, I feel obligated to defend it only to the degree that it was once a useful word, before it was co-opted by forces who use it to cover any form of complaint, whether particularly intelligent or not. I agree with you that now, I am never happy to see it. And no longer use it myself.

My annoying word of the moment is "amazing". As in "Ashlee Simpson is amazing". Or "Madden 2005 is amazing". I kept hearing this and thinking "no, Kreskin is amazing. Ashlee Simpson is simply astonishing." Then I realized amazing is the new awesome.

Speaking of words that need to go, has anyone seen Groening's list of banned words for 2005? I missed them.

I would agree with you, for the reasons Linda gave, and I don't ever use it myself anymore -- but it sure was useful before it was ruined.

My friends and I use it... but we don't /overuse/ it. Then again, we also have respectable vocabulary skills...

And here I was...so proud of the fact that a Google search on 'snarky whim' led you directly to my front door.

I guess that's so 2004. But - what should I be using instead, oh arbiters of taste...?

IMO the most annoying word trend of two-ought-ought-four, by far, was "annoying." And it silently subsumed most in its field.

Did "snark" just "jump the shark"?

Although I'm as guilty as anyone of abusing the phrase, I've grown weary of hearing that so-and-so "really drank the kool-aid."

It is just so sad to waste such a vivid politically incorrect mental image of people who are committed to following through on a bad idea (such as Jonestown cult members participating in a mass suicide with dixie cups).

Maybe it could be updated to so-and-so "castrated himself, laced up his Nikes and is out chasing the comet."


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