We did it!

We reached visit no. 1,250 of the day at 2:59 p.m. Which means that checks totaling $1,250 will soon be on their way out our door.
Thanks to everyone who has visited here today, and especially to those who have sent other readers this way. I'll post a complete list of contributors to the cause a little later today.
All day, as I've been thinking about how much fun this is for me, I keep calling to mind the real heroes -- the people who give of themselves without a blog, without any publicity, or without any credit whatsoever. They're the people we need to honor and thank the most.
UPDATE, 7:37 p.m.: The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. I'm crashing, and will have to hold off on the thank you's until first thing in the morning. 'Til then, all you linkers out there know who you are, and how grateful I am.
Comments (2)
I don't think we've met, but I'm also a member of St. Philip Neri and I volunteer regularly for the Daybreak Shelter through the parish. Thanks for helping the shelter and the Food Pantry.
"...the real heroes -- the people who give of themselves without a blog..." You mean to tell me there weren't heroes before there were blogs? ;)
If anyone wants to learn more about the Daybreak Shelter:
Posted by Eric Berg | December 15, 2004 4:32 PM
go you!
Posted by quinn | December 16, 2004 10:21 PM