Fa la la la la

Got an e-Christmas card this morning from blue Oregon's favorite couple.
'Tis the season of sharing, so now you have it too.
Got an e-Christmas card this morning from blue Oregon's favorite couple.
'Tis the season of sharing, so now you have it too.
Comments (39)
Did you post this picture because you like this lying guy or is this your way to poke fun at him?
Posted by arche | December 21, 2004 8:12 AM
Posted by Jack Bog | December 21, 2004 8:18 AM
His handgun is really well hidden. I expected him to be holding it in his left hand. I guess they don't call it a concealed weapons permit for nothing.
Posted by Ken | December 21, 2004 8:25 AM
I don't think they let you pack into the White House.
Posted by Jack Bog | December 21, 2004 8:42 AM
No you’re right they don’t let you pack in the W.H., so why didn’t he just walk away like he did at SOU. He was so adamant about them not letting him carry his gun that devoted a large portion of show to it one day. It’s just like him he picks and chooses his fights when he finds it convenient for him. I hate to change subject w/him but I’m going to, there is a growing amount of people (like minded) that think Lars should stay put in home state in Washington and not come down here. As it turns out he was deceitful w/the public about where he voted, I know he never said he was going to vote in OR but he sure lead the public on that he going to. And if you check out his show from time to time you will hear his commercials about Timberline dodge and he will talk about his new Dodge pickup he purchased from them. That part of it maybe true, but in order to give the appearance that he still lives in OR KXL has registered the pickup for him, now if you watched the news last night Washington State Patrol will start cracking down on Oregonians and other out of stators that live in WA and do not Properly register their vehicle. Per a phone call to WA State Patrol Lars does fall into this category and again he his lying to the public. Poor Lars, Marry Christmas.
Posted by arche | December 21, 2004 9:20 AM
Is that Monica Lewinsky?
Posted by Jasper | December 21, 2004 9:51 AM
If you were lucky enough to have both a regional and a national radio show upon which to voice your opinions AND you received death threats because of your opinions you'd probably be a little secretive about your place of residence too.
Posted by Dave Lister | December 21, 2004 11:16 AM
All this idle chatter about where Lars lives amazes me. For heaven's sake, what possible difference could that make? He's right, wrong, or somewhere in between -- I don't care if he lives on the moon.
BTW, I don't think that's Monica.
Posted by Jack Bogdanski | December 21, 2004 11:20 AM
i missed the memo on the sainthood of Ronald Reagan.
Posted by Rod | December 21, 2004 11:30 AM
Get ready for St. Hatfield, then.
Posted by Jack Bog | December 21, 2004 11:33 AM
That’s not what I’m talking about and it’s amazing how much people will compromise with what right and wrong. The death threats WRONG, lars inferring to the public that he was voting in the OR and to tell the public on how they should vote WRONG. Can he make a statement to the fact because of death threats he no longer lives in the state, you bet he can but he has to keep up his facade that he still lives here in order to keep up his rating. Trust me on this if there was radio personality on KOPJ that didn’t live in OR but everyday on the air stated that this was their home state; lars would take that person to task (as he likes to say). He would say how dare they come into our state and talk ill about our state reps and other government officials. Secretive, secretive my behind make a couple of keystrokes and you can find out information about anyone you want. Let me make this easy for you, indymedia.org, Multnomah County web site and Clark County web site, public information with out paying for it so to say he has to be secretive about it is hog wash.
Posted by arche | December 21, 2004 11:51 AM
Sorry, I ain't buying. To me it's a non-issue.
Posted by Jack Bog | December 21, 2004 11:54 AM
I've been watching this post all morning and it's to bad Jack that your head is in the sand, but don't worry about jack there are enough other people that think it is an issue that he has lied to the public. I thought you were somewhat progressive but you sound like a turn coat to me
Posted by Me | December 21, 2004 12:03 PM
"arche," you're really going to have to try harder than that last post to conceal your identity.
Posted by Jack Bog | December 21, 2004 12:06 PM
Let me guess you’re onto a conspiracy theory here? Sorry to say you’re incorrect. Have a good day
Posted by me | December 21, 2004 12:15 PM
I'm guessing they're both smiling with unbridled joy at being lip to lap level to their lard-n-saviour.
Lars, you facist bitch, come and get yo Xmas spankin'!
-Liberal with the Ammo
Posted by Watcha | December 21, 2004 12:19 PM
Looks like both of 'em haven't moved too far from Ruth's Chris Steakhouse......
Posted by Pat Ryan | December 21, 2004 2:35 PM
All things considered, I prefer the snazzy invitation to Tom Potter's inauguration that I received in the mail yesterday.
Posted by The One True b!X | December 21, 2004 2:59 PM
I just want to know why the suit is so shiny. It's almost mesmerizing.
Posted by Scott | December 21, 2004 3:14 PM
I thought Lars was married. What's he doing hanging out (hopefully not literally) with Monica?
Posted by Gordo | December 21, 2004 5:20 PM
"""""lars inferring to the public that he was voting in the OR and to tell the public on how they should vote WRONG."""""
get real Arche! Any petty inferrence is just that, petty. You are out of your kind.
Telling the public how to vote is wrong????????
Good greif, it's opinion. Just like the O editorial page.
""""" Can he make a statement to the fact because of death threats he no longer lives in the state,"""""
Huh? You are drifting. I'm sure that had nothing to do with the move.
"""""he has to keep up his facade that he still lives here in order to keep up his rating.""""""
What a wild imagination.
""""Trust me on this if there was radio personality on KOPJ that didn’t live in OR,,,,, lars would take that person to task,,,He would say how dare they come into our state and talk ill about our state reps and other government officials"""""
Trust me, he could care less where anyone lives and he, like many folks, comment on Washington politics and government when they live in Oregon.
Arche, get a grip. try and focus on something of substance. If you hate Lars try and shell out reasons one can actually ponder.
"""",,,there is a growing amount of people (like minded) that think Lars should stay put in home state in Washington and not come down here.""""
Well now isn't that special. Should everyone you don't appprove of do the same?
Posted by Steve Schopp | December 21, 2004 5:54 PM
sorry typo
you are out of your mind, not "kind"
Posted by Steve Schopp | December 21, 2004 5:55 PM
You never know. Maybe he is out of his kind. Writes like he's smokin' something.
Posted by The One True b!X | December 21, 2004 6:53 PM
One True,
""""You never know. Maybe he is out of his kind. Writes like he's smokin' something."""
true one
Posted by Steve Schopp | December 21, 2004 7:50 PM
The mind vs kind may have been similar to the WW typo I noticed earlier this year. More right than
The Nose may have inadvertently been more accurate than he meant. Note this line from his "Pissin' Away Money at City Hall" piece [July 21, 2004]: "Nice idea, but since that's this year's haul--arrived at after years of lefty increases--anyway, it's nothing to raise a pint about."
It's the "lefty increases" part: I suspect he meant--or even wrote--"hefty," but the use of "lefty" was right on the mark.
Steve Schopp
Copy Chief Ian Gillingham responds: Apropos though it may have been, "lefty increases" was indeed a typo committed at the final editing stage. WW intended no disparagement of tax-and-spend liberals.
Posted by Steve Schopp | December 21, 2004 7:55 PM
Thanks for the support steve
For the record
I have never inferred that I live in Oregon since I move
I do consider Oregon my home state since I have lived in Oregon for about 40 of my 45 years
Went to high school
Nearly every grade of every school (a few years in California, Montana etc)
Went to school at PSU and UO
Earn my living in Oregon…and pay more in taxes than Vera and Ted combined
Own a house in Oregon
I reserve the right that every American has to express an opinion on anything in any state….
I obey all the laws…am registered to vote in Washington, did vote in Washington, still received a ballot in Oregon because of its
Pathetic antiquated system of tracking voters…and did not cast the ballot. I express opinions about issues on both sides of the river.
I moved my family because of death threats…and we moved to be closer to my stepdaughter.
We continue to get death threats from the tolerance crowd…which I guess shouldn’t surprise anyone. I have in nine years on the air
Always encouraged people to speak out against those they disagree with…but have always rejected efforts to threaten people…or to take the
Protests to their homes. The liberals in Oregon and Washington have not followed this same rule…and have put my family at real risk. I carry a
Gun for a very good reason. Death threats are no joke.
Posted by lars | December 21, 2004 8:43 PM
"Implied," not inferred. :)
Posted by Sally | December 21, 2004 11:16 PM
And don’t think I won’t use my gun also just bring it on!!!
Posted by lars | December 21, 2004 11:23 PM
too much early eggnog?
Posted by wg | December 22, 2004 2:14 AM
But the most important question, Lars, is where was the weapon when the picture was taken? Inquiring minds and all....
Posted by Chris | December 22, 2004 7:32 AM
You know what’s really scary, it that he believes himself, it sounds like he needs some couch time because of his passive aggressive behavior. Your right Sally it was implied, you move because you just unloaded an updated houseboat and purchased a much larger home in Vancouver. You speaking about a tolerant crowd and like you’re the most tolerant person there is, give me a ^%$(&* break
Posted by Igor | December 22, 2004 7:49 AM
You know, there are a lot more valid criticisms to make of Lars than the fact that he lives on the north side of the Columbia River. Grow up.
Posted by Gordo | December 22, 2004 9:38 AM
Your wrong Gordo!!!
Question for lars, at the Westwood one site your bio says that you lived on boat for 8 months while you floating home was being remolded (a second floor added). Were you living on that boat or at you N Hayden Island Dr home when the death threats started. I do believe that Michael Moore was in town in 10/03? And after calling Multnomah Division of Assessment & Taxation that house sold in May of 04
Posted by Christy | December 22, 2004 9:54 AM
But what about the suit Lars. Why so shiny?
Posted by Scott | December 22, 2004 10:17 AM
What do these folks have in common?
Newt Gingrich
Rush Limbaugh
Tom Delay
John Ashcroft
Lars Larson
Sean Hannity
George W. Bush
Progressives hate them all.
No matter what side of what river they live on.
And, believe that if they would shut up and go away forever all of their troubles would go away.
Posted by Steve Schopp | December 22, 2004 10:47 AM
Good point Steve. Sending those seven GOoPers away would indeed solve several problems...
Posted by JS | December 22, 2004 10:58 AM
Has anyone noticed that they both have really big heads???? What's up with that? Is it a republincan thing? What's in there to take up all that space?
Posted by julio | December 22, 2004 11:47 AM
Quoting Lars:
"Always encouraged people to speak out against those they disagree with…but have always rejected efforts to threaten people.....And don’t think I won’t use my gun also just bring it on!!!"
You sound like an accident looking for a place to happen with that gun in your pocket. The following is a little example of how I've been speaking out with MCS Bernie Giusto concerning his silence upon learning Goldschmidt is a pedophile. I'll respect this site and provide you a link to read it since it contains a bit of well-placed profanity: Be sure to read the first two posts
Lars, I suppose you don't think to check people like Bernie on this type of stuff because you feel it won't serve your best interests, huh? You need people like Bernie in your corner when you finally make that fateful mistake.
Posted by Rob Taylor | December 22, 2004 1:36 PM
JS says,
""""Good point Steve. Sending those seven GOoPers away would indeed solve several problems...
That's exactly what I know to be the Blue view.
That a few evil people are brainwashing the masses and if you could get rid of them the public would fall into the Blue line.
Of course this is foolish thinking.
What really needs to happen for instance is the 60% of Oregonians who voted against M30, for M37 and for M36 ALL need to shut up and go away. That way the remaining minority could then live happily ever after in Bluetopia.
Isn't that just about right?
Posted by Steve Schopp | December 25, 2004 11:04 AM