
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 21, 2004 5:20 PM. The previous post in this blog was The real world. The next post in this blog is That's a lot of kung pao. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, October 21, 2004

Heading down to Lloyd Center? Wear your bulletproof vest

When I keep saying that Portland has become a dangerous place, I get shouted down. Stuff like this happens, and this, and it's forgotten the next day.

Earth to Vera! Earth to Derrick! Where the heck are you? Apparently not busy with public safety.

It will be interesting to see what the response to the latest shooting incident is. And compare it to what the reaction would have been if it were in the Pearl District.

Comments (9)

"It will be interesting to see what the response to the latest shooting incident is. And compare it to what the reaction would have been if it were in the Pearl District."

And the people in the Pearl District will be the last to even pretend to care.

"Jewelry heists" are glamorous, don't you know?

Not when they happen next door to the place I go to process photos of my children. (Sometimes, with the children with me.)

This town is totally out of control. Boise, here we come!

Remember when the pregnant woman's fiance was thrown down the concrete stairs a few years ago (south side, 2nd floor)? It was done by a group of kids leaving Lloyd Cinemas (the one outside the mall, not the bozo-theater inside the mall). The guy was left brain-damaged: as in barely able to stand up, let alone work.

I heard that the group of kids next went to the park across the street. But when their next victim pulled out his concealed handgun...the kids lost their enthusiasm and simply left. I've never gotten vindication to the Good Guy with a gun angle - but those stories (even when true) get reported MUCH less often than the actual crimes in Portland.

Yeah, especially by our media, who live and die by Meier & Frank advertising. You could open fire in an M&F with an Uzi and kill 10 people, and it would wind up two paragraphs on page H17.

Remember this post the next time some dedicated policeman is confronted by deadly force and is forced to take someone's life.

Real evil, certified real-life hardened criminals with no regard for human life are out there. I have spent the last 24 years in courtrooms with homicide victim's families attempting to make some sense of senseless acts of violence. It is of no moment whether or not the criminal had a sad childhood or whether or not they got the red bike on Christmas morning. They are more dangerous to our families than terrorists, yet they are coddled by liberal judges who live in cozy suburbs and have never experienced the ultimate loss that a murder victim's family has. And without a doubt, the majority of the victims come from the poorer parts of town,where politicians seem to show a greater tolerance for crime.

Sometimes you just have to punch out someone's ticket. Call for the check and take the garbage out to the curb.

No one believes me because everyone likes to complain and live in fear. But the crime rate in Portland is at its lowest rate in years. I know you think its bad now. But 20 years ago, North Portland was 10 times worse than it is now.

Justin, thank you for stating what i've been stating for awhile. Portland is safer than 10 years ago. 10 years ago, you couldn't drive up MLK without seeing hookers or cops or drug dealers plying their wares. Mind you, there are still dealers, but not brazenly walking up to your car. yes, pdx has a meth problem, but so does floriday or kentucky or seattle. jeeze, seattle has a heroin challenge going on right now.

i think instead of just commenting on jack's comments about Portland as a whole, people should put in thier comments which neighborhood they live in. if you live in hillsboro but are making rash comments about the crime rate of SE, it begs the question of where are you getting your info.

nopo for 6 years now. formerly SE kid.

Violent Crime is down nationally as well.


Despite a poor economy and fewer jobs, America is the safest its been in 30 years. And, guess what? No one knows why?

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