
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 31, 2004 1:05 PM. The previous post in this blog was Cosi fan tutte. The next post in this blog is Losing face. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Justice denied

Here's exactly what should have happened to Neil Goldschmidt.

Comments (8)

I'm with you completely on that.

But we can't change the law or statute of limitations for him. Or maybe we can?

Nope, he gets away with it.

Probably with all the other stunts he's pulled, too.

Just wait until they dig deeper into the Michael Franke murder. No statute of limitations on that type of conspiracy. He'll get his yet, you wait and see.

Who's "they"? Oregon DOJ? Marion County DA? Don't make me laugh.

I totally agree.....Neil used his position to be in control of the 14 year old girl. She was very vulnerable. Thanks for showing the story.

The girl kept hanging around Neil for 3 years? She wasn't entirely unwilling in the whole process (although I feel sorry for her). She was warped by her family, who likely treated her like Neil did - but from an early age.

One of the printed articles talked about her feeling depressed when things with Neil stopped. What the article described sounded more like a broken heart than an abuse victim. Even worse for the girl, she got REALLY screwed up in Seattle (the violent rape/beating-almost-to-death).

I think the "Goldschmidt Machine" is being dismembered limb by limb, thanks to the initial courage of a firebrand named Vicki Walker. The Goldschmidt slime is clinging on all the old boys in the current state hierarcy. I agree that, left on their own, the DOJ, the DA's, etc. etc. will do nothing... but I think the investigative journalists will get the ball rolling to such an extent that to ignore it would be the most obvious corruption. I sure hope so anyway.

I really do think that Phil Stanford is our only hope for justice in the Michael Franke murder case. If he can dig up enough evidence, then I think the DOJ will be able to go after other suspects. Somehow though, I think this will all just hang over Neil until the day he dies.

On a side note, the most disturbing part of this article is that the church stands behind this rapist. Are you kidding me? This is why I despise organized religion. They are more concerned with the image of the religion/church than they are with the people they are supposed to be ministering too. It's infuriating.

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