Blog news
People who don't read blogs don't know what they're missing. In browsing around the Oregon blogosphere upon my return from hiatus, I noticed many interesting developments that took place while I was gone. Among these are:
1. Portland City Commissioner Randy Leonard has started blogging in earnest over on BlueOregon. So far he's ranged from "The day I became a fireman" to "Why I oppose the Texas Pacific bid for PGE." Good stuff.
2. Mayoral hopeful Jim Francesconi and his son Bryan have taken to posting comments on Portland Communique. They couldn't have picked a more hostile forum, but I guess it's part of the Schnoz's new, overtly combative campaign style. Bryan apparently has also been posting comments under pseudonyms, which b!X at Communique quickly outed. LOL.
3. Tammy over at Dishpan Dribble is into posting pictures now, including a long-awaited photo of herself, which for some reason she quickly took down. (C'mon, now, put it back!) Meanwhile, Alan at Blue Hole has run a couple of sharp parodies of the Dribbler, to which she has taken exception. Since Tammy writes in great detail about her family and domestic life as well as about political issues, the fun-poking necessarily hits close to home. She's got a great blog, though, and I hope she doesn't get discouraged over it. Every knock is a boost, baby.
4. b!X keeps threatening to pull the plug on his site this fall if he can't come up with a viable way of supporting himself through blogging. That would be a great loss to the City of Portland. Scary.
5. Mellow-Drama has moved to the Hawthorne neighborhood. So far, she's loving it. I worry, though, about what will happen when her down-to-earth Midwestern sensibilities run into the aggressive panhandlers and the boys in the noisy drum circles.
6. Some clown negligently lost Pril's domain for her, but she recovered fairly quickly. That's a relief. I think she lost her archives, though, which means that if you want to hear about her bra size, you're going to have to ask her about it. 8c)
UPDATE, 8/17, 10:26 p.m.: Tammy's got her picture back up, as part of a photo album feature. It's here.
Comments (6)
Let me see..... b!X won't take donations, but wants to jump straight into "the salary of a full-time job"... he's going to be disappointed. He's got a good thing going, and 2 years seems like a lot. But don't skip steps, man.
Take donations for now from the Common Man. With some track record of common support, the Corporate Man will step in to pay your bills.
Posted by Scott-in-Japan | August 17, 2004 2:10 AM
You know, of course, who inspired me to paro-blog.
Posted by alan | August 17, 2004 5:30 AM
Who said b!X won't take donations? Click the "Contributions and Subscriptions" link on the top left of his site.
You can either make a one time donation or sign up to make monthly donations via PayPal.
Posted by no one in parituclar | August 17, 2004 9:44 AM
Uh, yah, I've taken donations all along. Half the point of the reader survey I conducted was to see how much I could make in reader contributions on a monthly basis.
Posted by The One True b!X | August 17, 2004 4:07 PM
My bad, I mis-understood the sentence: "Note: This is not a plea for donations and contribution." If you're looking for dough, be honest and take what you can get until the Big Funding Idea becomes successful.
Better yet, set a specific goal - like an internet radio station. Your site is not unlike news-station, use that model and see if a corporate sponsor appears.
If all else fails, you can send some women in short-cheerleader skirts downtown to promote your site. The Oregonian is doing just that, today, for their current fashion-articles insert.
Posted by Scott-in-Japan | August 18, 2004 3:33 PM
Scott wrote:
"Better yet, set a specific goal - like an internet radio station. Your site is not unlike news-station, use that model and see if a corporate sponsor appears."
I don't know if this happened before or after your comment, but if you look at the top of Portland Communique there is a very specific amount requested ($1500/month).
Posted by Noah Brimhall | August 19, 2004 2:20 PM