
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 8, 2004 4:06 PM. The previous post in this blog was Reagan and Hanford. The next post in this blog is The Boss. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, June 8, 2004

Watch yourself downtown

A while back I suggested that downtown Portland is not an especially safe place to hang out. Particularly at night. Particularly if you're a female.

Several commenters, declaring themselves experts on the subject because they'd lived elsewhere once, told me I was wrong.

Well, they should tell Renee Mitchell of The Oregonian, too.

Comments (5)

I don't notice a problem, but this seems to me as the classic example of Ms. Mitchell talking out of both sides of her mouth. When the residents of North Portland complain that the police are too aggressive with their pretext stops while trying to curb drug-related crime, she's right there to take up their cause. Now, she wants the police to step up enforcement of the sidewalk ordinance. She can't have it both ways.

Does anyone think we can police ourselves out of the drug culture and the crime culture (which is far and away much, much larger in terms of property crimes than crimes of violence)? We already imprison more people per capita than any other country, I believe. I am a quiet ordinary person and lead a quiet ordinary life. But when I was the victim of three serious crimes (mugging, burglary and car theft) in three years, and all were tied by authorities to this drug-crime culture that pervades the US, I began to look at even more closely and wish others would, as well. And I continue to think, from my conservations with individuals within it, that the police force might be surprisingly close to ready for this as well.

Elsewise, I think we will hear this same laments and see the same unsuccessful actions; and everybody by now knows what it's called when you keep doing the same thing expecting different results.

(The increasing immigrant -- largely illegal -- populations and declining incomes in lower social stratas will also be making it noticeably worse.)

Does her column say anything about people actually being harmed? I didn't recall so at the time I read it. It's people afraid to leave their buildings because of TEENAGERS. Some have DOGS.

They have a name for them. They're called beggars. They are there to beg you for change. Do not give it to them; walk on by. There is nothing in the City Charter about giving you the right to walk around witlessly in a major urban area.

What's worse is the class demagoguery going on. Who is threatening people? Are there descriptions and/or names? What are the police doing to follow up on specific claims of criminal harassment? ARE there claims of criminal harassment?

I cheerily add Renee' to the list of people who need to be the slightest bit realistic about living with a million other people in proximity.

Amen to the commenters above.

I was out of town last week, and just saw Renee's follow-up column about the downtown scene. I lived downtown from 1988-1992 and loved it. On Monday, I was downtown for the first time in months.

What a surprise. Downtown was filled with scores of apparently able-bodied teenagers begging arond Pioneer Square. When a young man smoking a cigarette asked for money to feed his dog, I pointed out that if he had the money for cigs, he could probably afford to feed his dog instead. I was subjected to a nasty harangue. In addition, the sidewalks were dirty and trash blew around everywhere. I was embarrassed to show the downtown area to my out-of-town guests.

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