
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 8, 2004 5:16 AM. The previous post in this blog was I'm not that sad. The next post in this blog is Reagan and Hanford. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, June 8, 2004

Not that I recall

Well, the effort to recall two of the Multnomah County commissioners who decided to allow gay marriages without so much as a public meeting has failed.

So be it. As much as I'm disappointed with the Sisters of Hawthorne, I would never have voted to recall them. Heck, they come up for election soon enough, and no credible alternative candidates seem to want their jobs anyway.

Ron McCarty against Lisa Naito? Come on. After a run-in I had with him during his anemic 15 minutes in the Legislature, I wouldn't vote for Ron for dog catcher.

And I'm sure he'll be running for that position soon.

No, for better or worse, I believe we're back to business as usual at the county building.

Comments (3)

Now, I'm not perfect, and heaven knows I've misspoken/mistyped before, but read this carefully:

"We can now get on with the important issues of the day — funding for schools, library service and cuts to our most vulnerable citizens," Linn said.

I'm not so sure the vulnerable citizens are going to be happy about being cut.

(cut/pasted from the Oregonian article)

Wm's comment lends new meaning to the phrase "bleed 'em dry."

But if you try to cut the citizens who are not so vulnerable, they fight back.

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