Done deal

The Portland City Council has voted unanimously to approve the building of the OHSU aerial tram.
It also voted 3-2 to buy out residents along the street below who don't want to live under an aerial tram.
Perhaps the most alarming news to emerge from the hearing was testimony that the real budget for the construction, originally pegged at $15 million and recently increased to $28.5 million, is going to be more like $40 million. And counting.
And that the tram's operating budget is going to be more than $3 million a year. And that there's still going be lots of increased street traffic on account of various shuttle buses that will be running up and down the hill in addition to the tram.
Congratulations to Homer Williams and all the other developers who will profit enormously from the massive outlay of scarce city tax dollars that this project will entail. And to their political fixer, wherever he may be hiding.
(Via a helpful pointer to the City Council webcast from Portland Communique.)
Comments (16)
Alright! It will be like DisneyLand! Long lines, too much money, and a short ride. I bet the construction cost hits $60-million before the end of 2004.
And how much is budgeted for home purchases? Are they going to be re-sold?
People of Portland, lube up!
Posted by Scott-in-Japan | June 10, 2004 7:17 PM
Francesconi sez this will become a symbol like the Space Needle or the Eiffel Tower. Haw, haw! Yeah, tourists will come from the world over to take a two minute tram ride to a hospital. Tres romantique!
Posted by justaguy | June 11, 2004 12:49 AM
Maybe you'll get lucky and get to sit next to a fat guy with the shingles. Or a lab technician with blood all over his gown.
Posted by Jack Bog | June 11, 2004 1:13 AM
Well, I'm happy to pay for it.
And apparently, most of Portland doesn't seem to mind either. Because there really hasn't been that much protest, at least not compared to the outcry revolving around burying the resevoirs.
I do love a Democracry.
Posted by justin | June 11, 2004 4:40 AM
justin - The democracy of Portland is still too sore from the last few tax outlays to complain about this one yet.
Posted by Scott-in-Japan | June 11, 2004 4:43 AM
I believe the protest was called the primary, where Jim "Tram" Francesconi got his head handed to him.
Posted by Jack Bog | June 11, 2004 4:49 AM
I'm being slightly facetious. And I think if you polled Portlanders and asked if they supported spending 40 million on a tram, the majority of them would oppose the Tram.
That being said, and I'm no fan of Francesoni (or however you spell his name), I'm not sure losing a close primary is a mandate from the public on special projects. And for my money, I think Francis is still going to be mayor. He's just got too much money.
Posted by Justin | June 11, 2004 5:49 AM
I'm starting to like working in Portland while living on the other side of the Columbia...
Posted by Bryan | June 11, 2004 8:14 AM
Folks like the Zidells used to be Vera's money pot. When they start grousing about public works you know that the current regime has become disconnected from their base.
Posted by Dave Lister | June 11, 2004 9:08 AM
Respectfully, keep fighting, but you don't know how good it is here. In other places I've lived, the government is totally opaque and hostile to public comment. I know, that's what it's like in Portland. No, it is much worse elsewhere. In most places, the problem is that the old money landowners refuse to develop their property, to maintain their grip on the community. The most extreme case I ever saw was in Borneo, where the same families have owned agricultural property forever, and do not develop it. A person rich enough to buy land effectively only buys a leasehold, and the farmers come with the leasehold. There are vestiges of feudalism in the US, too, and you see them wherever local government and landowners conspire to keep the status quo. The price we pay for dense urban development, with diverse ownership, is the payoff to the large landowners. This is known as the feudalism premium in tax law, right? ;-)
Posted by scott | June 11, 2004 10:33 AM
Why did OHSU choose to put its hospital on a hill with no possible room for growth?
Posted by Nathanael | June 11, 2004 12:34 PM
This post & comments are going in my "To Revisit in 10 Years" file. Wonder if the opinions will be the same.
Posted by brett | June 11, 2004 12:59 PM
Randy Gragg answers that for you...
Posted by PDX Reporter | June 11, 2004 1:32 PM
Hey Jack, you made the Lars Larson show again today, he quoted this blog. Seems you two have something in common.
Posted by Eric | June 11, 2004 4:48 PM
Me and Lars -- I'm not sure that's a good thing.
I wish he'd quote me when I talk about Bush. Don't hold your breath.
Posted by Jack Bog | June 11, 2004 4:51 PM
If the main purpose of the aerial tram is to transport doctors and patients, why don't they just keep the patient units on the hill and move only the research unit to the waterfront? (Or better yet, moving the entire patient units to the waterfront since going up the hill in an emergency is a ride itself.) At least that was the plan/rumor when I was a grad student up there.
Posted by Yi Hu | June 11, 2004 5:33 PM