
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 8, 2004 9:16 PM. The previous post in this blog was The Boss. The next post in this blog is Get well soon, Bob!. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, June 8, 2004

And the Law Prof Hunk of the Year is...

The votes have been tabulated, and it's time to announce the winner of the Law Prof Hunk of the Year contest.

Let's start with our Second Runner-up, who also wins Mr. Congeniality. Here he is.

Next, our First Runner-up. If for any reason our winner should become ugly during the course of the next year, the First Runner-up will wear the crown for the rest of the term. And here he is.

Which brings us to our winner: this year's prince of professorial pulchritude. The Law Prof Hunk of the Year is here.

Congratulations to all our winners, and nominees. It's an honor just to be nominated.

Which brings us to the Babe Division of our contest. We have received several nominations, and we agree with the nominators that there are some truly beautiful female law professors out there. No doubt the minds of these professors are beautiful as well. However, upon reflection, we have decided that for a male law prof to sponsor a competition that features good-looking female law profs is hazardous at best. It's sort of like the "n" word -- some people can say it, but I can't. And so, with regret, we announce that the Law Prof Babe of the Year competition has been cancelled.

If there are any female law profs who would like to take over the contest, however, I'll gladly forward the nominations to them.

Thanks to everyone who nominated and voted!

Comments (3)

There's something unfair about competing against someone who, 30? years after entering the teaching profession, still looks young enough to be an undergraduate.

Can you post some more pictures of the hunk from UConn? Is he single?

Paul Caron makes girls cry.

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