
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 12, 2004 10:04 PM. The previous post in this blog was Neighborhood involvement. The next post in this blog is No comment. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Filling Neil's shoes

The word is out that the Texas Pacific Group, which is seeking to buy Portland General Electric from Enron's bankruptcy trustee, is looking for a prominent local figure to replace disgraced former Gov. Neil Goldschmidt in the leadership group of its takeover team.

Replacing an Oregon icon such as Goldschmidt will be an extremely tall order. TPG is going to need someone with instant name recognition among Oregonians -- someone who, like Goldschmidt, made his mark in history decades ago and is known throughout the world. A native Oregonian who is universally beloved and respected, and surrounded by careful image-makers and handlers. Someone with charm and toughness.

There's only one guy fit for the job.

Comments (8)

I was thinking Rasheed Wallace would be a good fit.

Mayor Katz will be available Jan. 1. That would be the same as having Neil there -- she'd just do whatever he said.

Vera was the first to pop into my head... but I dismissed her as a contender because although she is "surrounded by careful image-makers and handlers," she is not a "native Oregonian" and she is far, far from being "universally beloved and respected".

I'm happy to volunteer!

I too would volunteer but I need a guarantee that I can get the governor to get jobs for my sister-in-laws (I have four) at OHSU or other high-paying state jobs (is that redundant?)

So I guess I am not the only one who had Vera in mind, eh?


I love b!X's response.

Packy's a great choice. But let's make sure there are no skelephants in his closet... he may have had a taste for pre-pubescent pachyderm decades back.

How about Phil Keisling, the Neil wannabe, the Republicrat..or is it Demolican.? He has been careful not to criticize him and he too suddenly resigned his office not even completing his term..and he is tight with some of the same people.

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