Say what?

The church sign generator made quite a splash around the blogosphere. The homeless guy sign generator wasn't bad, either. But with George Says, new heights of zaniness are possible. Head on over and do some presidential speechwriting. (Via Nth of Pril.)

Comments (3)
That's awesome. Thank you.
Posted by Neva | April 10, 2004 7:23 AM
Much fun!
Posted by Shelley | April 10, 2004 1:09 PM
my eyes are leaking because i have not yet made it onto the "happenin gals" list. Even though my favorite bass player is a Jack, and i posted the obligatory anti-bush thingie, and i'm a leader in my genre of crapblogging. Its a conspiracy. See. Coos County is nowheresville. Oh, but we'll be SOMETHING, someday... if they ever get this besotted gas pipeline finished, or so they keep telling us...
Posted by pril | April 14, 2004 11:09 AM