
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 26, 2004 9:52 PM. The previous post in this blog was Tech talk. The next post in this blog is Let them eat light rail. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, March 26, 2004

Still alive, not too well

I'm getting just enough success in the NCAA tournament to keep hope alive, at least in theory. I'm still a major longshot to win any money, but my puny little ticket had a great Sweet 16 round, just concluded. I had five games with teams still alive, and all five of them won. Of the other three games, two of them went the way I wanted them to in order to set up the next round.

So now we're down to eight teams, with four games over the next two days. In two of the games, I have a chance of scoring points. In these, I need the following to win:

Connecticut St. Joseph's

In the other two games, it doesn't matter to me much who wins, but for the sake of future rounds, I've got a preference for these teams:

Xavier Georgia Tech

So much depends on how the other players in the pool did. I hope the pool organizer has an update for us soon.

UPDATE, 3/27, 11:35 p.m.: Oh well. St. Joe's is out, which means I have no active teams left on my ticket. The points I collected so far won't cut it, I'm sure, but it wasn't an entirely bad entry. On to the next valuable time-waster -- we now return you to your regular programming, already in progress.

Comments (6)

I am so bummed about the Pack. I actually had gotten excited about a sport event for the first time ever, and then they lost. :(

Hey, they did the town proud. They gave us an extra week of excitement that no one thought was possible, and the school will reap many benefits from the Pack's newfound hoops notoreity.

I for one wish I still had my blue Pack tank top from 20 years ago.

Well, heck! That's easy to remedy -- I'll be in Reno most of the summer. Let me know what size and I'll pick one up for you.

Being a graduate from Nevada, I was also rooting for the Pack. My friends back home tell me there hasn't been that much excitement in Reno for years. The Reno Hilton even changed its outside lights to blue to mark the occasion. I just hope Kirk Snyder decides to stay for another year - and get them back to at least the sweet sixteen. If so, Prof Bogdanski, I hope you pencil them into the final four!

Boy, that St. Joe's game was amazing--and then crushing. Basketball is such a mercurial game. If that Cowboy had missed the three, or if Jameer had made his jumper, it could have all been different. Instead...

My mother (a UNR mom three times over) who has not ever, to my knowledge, watched a sports event unless her father turned it on, made a point of watching the UNR game. Listening to her talk about it afterwards was priceless!

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