
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 24, 2004 1:46 AM. The previous post in this blog was Breaking news. The next post in this blog is Pretty pointless profile. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

E-mail, Feeds, 'n' Stuff

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Kerry-flavored spam

I got not one but two e-mail solicitations for a campaign contribution yesterday from the camp of JFK Lite. Loved one, hated the other.

The one I loved was signed by John "Opie" Edwards. Here's a guy who could actually have energized a whole country, as opposed to putting half of them to sleep and turning the other half off. As usual, Senator Edwards said some things I could stand up and salute, including:

35 million Americans live in poverty, desperate for work and respect, watching incredulously as the government hands tax breaks to big business. And Americans of all backgrounds have watched the gap between rich and poor widen under his administration, and realized that only the rich do well in George W. Bush's America.
You tell 'em, John. Even though spam is the thanks I get for sending you 50 bucks a while back, I'm glad to see you're still involved in the campaign.

The one I hated came from my Most Disliked Democratic Politician Alive, Hillary. This -- how shall I put this? -- crooked carpetbagger offered these observations:

I have known John a long time, and it has been a pleasure to work with him in the Senate for more than three years. I've seen firsthand the power of his intellect, the breadth of his experience, and the depth of his commitment to Democratic values.
Really? That's so reassuring. You're so committed to those values -- just as you have always been a lifelong Yankee fan. Pardon me, but I'm part of the vast middle-of-the-road conspiracy that says no whenever Hillary says yes.

I can't wait to get some spam from my No. 2 Most Disliked Democrat, Ted Kennedy. How long do you think it will be before that one shows up in my inbox?

UPDATE, 1:50 p.m.: This just in: Wesley Clark wants me to contribute, too. Just as he has contributed to all the Democratic causes over the years. Oh, and Kerry's a "battle-tested" leader. Gag.

Comments (4)

As a Dean, Edwards, ....Henrey Rollins,....Dennis Kucinich, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Satan-----supporter to oust Nucular GWB, I will be using one of the ubiquitous voter registration forms to withdrawal from the Democratic party after the primary.

I will be voting for the only sane canditae offered to me In the general election. However, I hope to be a blip on some political analyst's chart indicating that the DNC has again betrayed its constituancy.

Hillary is the most vilified Dem alive, and enrages righties far, far beyond reason. But I wonder, who actually likes her? It's odd.

What's so bad about Hillary anyway?

Gee Jack, I never get those. I wonder why?

Kerry doesn't need any more money anyway. Soros is bankrolling him.

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