Simultaneous equations

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» Presidential (Candidate) Math from
Prof. Bogdanski is on a roll with some Presidential (Candidate) Math. I have to say that Dean minus Mondale is pretty dead on.... [Read More]
» I'm so shallow from My Whim Is Law
I used to be so well-informed about political candidates. I'd read up on the issues...form decision based on how well their perceived stances aligned with my own values and beliefs...I was an active participant in the whole democratic process. Now?... [Read More]
Comments (4)
Where does John Travolta fit in?
Posted by alan | February 5, 2004 9:50 AM
On behalf of Lurch fans everywhere, I object.
Kerry minus Gore equals the March of the Wooden Soldiers.
Clinton minus Edwards equals Larry Flint.
Posted by brother gary | February 5, 2004 10:18 AM
I think taking Gore out of Kerry would be a plus in the personality department and not a reduction to Lurch. And, for visuals how about Kerry - Gore = Kevin McHale.
Posted by hilsy | February 5, 2004 10:59 AM
Perfect! Although I think you have to *add* Gore to Kerry to get Lurch.
Posted by Jill Blevins | February 5, 2004 11:21 AM