
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 12, 2004 2:55 PM. The previous post in this blog was Happy birthday. The next post in this blog is Play it again, Sam. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, February 12, 2004

Semper infidelis?

Uh oh. The arch-conservative Drudge Report, which broke the Monica scandal, claims there's a certain similar skeleton in John Kerry's closet.

This could be nothing, or it could be a big deal. FWIW, already a mainstream news site in Ireland is reporting it as a legit story (although not confirming the accuracy of Drudge's account).

Perhaps the plans for a coronation were a bit premature. (Via Cousin James of Parkway Rest Stop fame.)

Comments (12)

There's more on this via WatchBlog.

I bet this story don't fizzle. Shizzle.

It may be a simplistic analysis, but if their wife can't trust them, how can I ?
Jesse Jackson, Bill Clinton, Bobby,Teddy and John Kennedy, all men who took high moralistic tones, who betrayed the mothers of their children.
Say what you want about the "intellectual capacity" of the President, at least his wife can trust him. Agree or disagree with his perception of what is necessary for homeland defense, at least, you must agree, that he is not having sex with the hired help.If the Kerry story has any truth to it, I hope his rich, katsup-queen wife has more self worth than Hillary and shows him to the door.

You can verify that a lot of people are reporting it by going to Google News. But if you look closely, you'll see that no one is actually "reporting" it. What they're doing is posting, almost verbatim, the rumor posted at the Drudge Report.

It confuses me, considering that reports today are that Clark is going to endorse Kerry. Why would Clark have dropped out if he believed the "implode" thing?

Furthermore, this one appears to be one where they're going to be stuck with it as a sex story, whereas with Clinton, there was the Paula Jones aspect of unwelcomeness and the perjury issue -- I mean, it always WAS a sex story, but there were things to decorate it with that made it seem less that way. If it's purely a sex story -- "Man cheats on wife" -- I don't know that it won't backfire, like SHUT UP already, I'd rather a guy who cheats on his wife than a guy who lies about, you know, war.

It feels desperate to me, like the photo of him behind Jane Fonda. I mean, at some point, there's going to be a breaking point for ridiculousness.

How a man treats his family is a logical, rational way to determine his fitness to be our leader. It may not bother some people, but neither does Howard Stern, Janet Jackson or PDiddy.
As a second point, even crazy Ted Turner got tired of Jane Fonda's act. She clearly supported the enemy, and history did not treat her well in that regard. Let Kerry explain his association with this admitted enemy-sympathizer,and let the chips fall where they will.
I hope there exists pictures of him with Barbara Streisand, Sean Penn and Yoko Ono.

"Association" meaning "attended the same event as"? It's not my opinion of Jane Fonda that's the issue, it's whether or not you have to answer for everyone with whom you have ever been in the same place. I suspect almost every person of any prominence as at some point been in close physical proximity to someone he or she isn't using as a personal reference.

Honestly, unless somebody turns up an affair, you never know "how a man treats his family." You don't know how George Bush treats his family, and neither do I. I know his daughters appear to be mightily screwed up, but all families have stuff they deal with, so that doesn't have anything to do with how I evaluate his fitness, despite the fact that it might very well reflect poorly on him if I knew more about it.

My point is that I don't use your personal life to evaluate you as a public official in most cases, because what I know about it will always be dwarfed by what I don't know about it, and people compartmentalize to the point where they can absolutely lie about one thing and tell the truth about everything else. Nobody knows what really goes on in a family except the family. I'm just saying, it's a road I'd rather not go down.

If Kerry has been cheating on his wife, that matters to me. If he hasn't, if he and his wife have an "arrangement" of some kind, that would be different--if I knew about it. But if they have such an arrangement and they choose to keep it to themselves, they've got no complaints coming when people assume they have a traditional marriage which includes an expectation of fidelity. Someone who'll lie to his spouse about something as important as having sex with other people (and it must be important, at least to the spouse, if he's lying about it) is not someone I'd trust.

Brother Gary and Mark, do you really believe that cheating on "the mothers of their children" is worse than sending other mothers' children to die in Iraq based on misinformation and lies? That marital infidelity makes a person less trustworthy in matters of national security than, say, cocaine and alcohol abuse?

And as to Hillary's self-worth... I think it takes a lot MORE courage and self-confidence to choose to stay with someone she knows to have been unfaithful, than to show him the door.

Did anyone catch Kerry on Imus today? When Don mentioned Drudge and the intern, Kerry emphatically stated: "The answer is NO." But he hadn't let Imus actually formulate the question. Imus, who wasn't sure he should even ask about it, thereupon let him off the hook.

Infidelity doesn't bother me as much as lying about it afterward. When you're busted. you should 'fess up.

Which is one reason why I could never vote for Bush.

What "misinformation" and "lies" about Iraq would you be referring to? The "lie" that Saddam's WMDs were an imminent threat, even though that was explicitly what we wanted to prevent? The "misinformation" that Saddam _had_ WMDs, which the Bush administration was far from alone in believing?

Alli, that's pretty bold to say that Bush's daughters are "screwed up". What do you know about it? I suspect you've heard the reports about underage drinking and fake ids. whoopdy frickin'do...how many college kids drink and have fake ids? the answer: a lot of them. how many teenagers and young adults make mistakes? a lot of them. i bet you even have some mistakes in your closet.

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