
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 4, 2004 1:56 AM. The previous post in this blog was Cue Roy Orbison. The next post in this blog is Closeup on Kerry. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, February 4, 2004

Political question 2

Who is the duller speaker?

A. Al Gore.

B. John Kerry.


Comments (4)

Equally boring, but Kerry doesn't have the added burden of thinking that he's a intellectual like Gore did. Gore beats Kerry by a mile in the annoying condescension category.

After 8 wasted years, most of what Gore said sounded like, and meant as much as what Bush said.

I don't watch much TV so I've only been able to read quotes from Kerry. Words I've not heard in years. Words that should be used. And emotion that made them worth reading. Earth in the Balance seemed weak in its emotion. And its delivery.

Shouldn't the question be: "Who sounds duller in a 30 second soundbite?"

In which case the answer is: "They all sound more dull and less folksy than GW."

I would love to see some numbers on how many voters are moved by speeches given by candidates. Methinks it is quite a small number.

Gore is better in the "let's make fun of him on Saturday Night Live" category because you fall asleep before Lurch gets to his point.

Still . . . ABB.

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