Democratic primary news

Best of friends Never part Best of fools has loved forever From the bottom of his heart
So why pretend?
This is the end
You'll have to find out for yourself
Go on ask somebody else
Why can't you just get it through your head?
It's over, it's over now
Yes, you heard me clearly now I said
It's over, it's over now
I'm not really over you
You might say that
I can't take it, I can't take it
Lord, I swear I just can't take it no more
(Go away) go away
(Far away) so far away
It's too late to turn back now
And it don't matter anyhow
'Cause you were right
I'm to blame
Can't go on the same old way
Can't keep up the same old game
I'm not really over you
You might say that
I can't take it, I can't take it
Lord, I swear I just can't take it no more
(Chorus, repeat and fade with ad-libs from Boz)
Comments (5)
Boz Scaggs: One great album (more or less) and then straight into the crapper.
John Edwards: one great victory (South Carolina)...
Posted by Gordo | February 11, 2004 10:10 AM
"Soon to be a collectors' item" - don't count him out yet ... we all might be in for a pleasant surprise.
Posted by Not out yet | February 11, 2004 3:48 PM
Gordo, you're right, the parallel is uncanny.
Unfortunately, like Edwards, Scaggs is grossly underappreciated. A few years back he put out a beautiful album called "Some Change." It got nowhere near the recognition it deserved. Instead we're giving the Grammys to people like Be-hin-cee or whatever her name is.
To "Not out yet," you poor deluded child, the real surprise was Tennessee. And I'm afraid that's the last one for these primaries.
Posted by Jack Bog | February 11, 2004 6:17 PM
To use an old cliche, I guess Boz is another example that for Americans there are no second acts. (with apologies to F.Scott Fitzgerald; I'm sure the exact quotation is a little different)
Posted by Gordo | February 12, 2004 1:43 PM
Obviously you have not listened to the man's music.
He is one of the best (albeit underappreciated) musicians around.
Posted by Fan for life | April 20, 2004 5:26 AM