
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 19, 2004 7:54 PM. The previous post in this blog was Pluck of the Irish. The next post in this blog is Oldie but goodie. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, January 19, 2004

Dean is toast

Did you see that concession "speech" by Dr. Dean? He sounds as though he needs a good, long rest -- and it's only January. Better find another candidate, kids.

New Hampshire will now be more interesting than anyone expected. Dean may suction some votes away from Kerry. Then there's the Lieberman factor, another New Englander -- all the better for my boy John Edwards, who looked truly Clintonesque up there tonight.

Why did Iowa Democrats vote for Kerry? Mostly because they think he has the best chance to defeat Bush.

Kerry-Edwards, Edwards-Kerry. Both strong tickets, but I like Edwards-Kerry's chances better.

Comments (12)

I'm with you, Jack. Edwards/Kerry reminds me of Kennedy/Johnson with the young turk at the top of the ticket and the savvy vet in the VP slot. I hope when the time comes when Dean drops out - and it will - that he will strongly encourage his backers to put their same energy, enthusiasm and organization behind Edwards, Kerry or Clark.

Go John Go!

i like how dismissive you are towards the "kids".

I'm a "kid" myself, of course -- but only at heart. I shouldn't rub it in, but as an Edwards backer, I'm pretty pumped right now.

Dean looked like the Hulk tonight.

Edwards is a class act. My man.

Yikes, I shouldn't have called Johnny "my boy." I meant that in a good way.

Yikes, I shouldn't have called Johnny "my boy."

I wasn't trying to correct you. I hadn't even noticed you called him that. :)

Being Clintonesque is a good thing?

NAFTA? Corporate takeovers? Status quo?

Contexturalist morality leaves scars on the souls of our professional arguers. They are all too eager to sign that Faustian contract to win one for the team. Kerry was one of my picks over Clinton in '96, but the DNC set up their boy back then.

This last minute shift feels like their hand as well. Kerry and so many others feigned ignorance when voting with GW to invade Iraq. This is the sort of capitulation that defense contractor campaign money can buy.

Thank God it's a long race and that Gephardt and Clark will be road-kill soon.

Peace be with you Councilor.

I believe there are two main reasons why Kerry came out on top in Iowa. This opinion is based on being from there. First, Iowans tend to dislike negative campaigns, Kerry ran a fairly positive campaign. Second, the majority of Iowans are seniors who often react against the "youngsters" and their opinions. Friends back in the state called Kerry to come out on top about three days ago.

Mmmmm, crow...tasty.

All right buddy, hoot n' holler all you want. But it's still just one primary. Dean will emerge!

I don't see what people see in John Kerry. All the jokes about him looking too French are funny because they are true.

Well, if Lieberman doesn't do anything, it looks like you've called it for who the best candidate would be: John Edwards. Let's call him a Clinton without Hillary and Monica. And a tort lawyer to boot! So much for "tort reform." And, Stash, being Clintonesque is a good thing, in my humble opinion (I'm talking policy, not the sleaze factor).

Man, that's the only thing that bothers me about Edwards. I would kill for a President that would tackle tort reform seriously. He could let China invade India and Japan for all I care if he successfully limited the influence of trial lawyers.

Maybe that's a Nixon to China thing, who knows?

This was posted by someone in the comments over on The Oregon Blog. Jack perhaps might apppreciate the mania remix of it. Hell, I still support Dean and I appreciate the mania remix of it.


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