
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 13, 2003 2:19 PM. The previous post in this blog was George McGovern on steroids. The next post in this blog is Bloggers beware. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

E-mail, Feeds, 'n' Stuff

Thursday, November 13, 2003

In the e-mail bag

Readers who have been following my anti-Safeway diatribes may find this piece of e-mail amusing:

Dear Valued Customer:

Thank you for your recent correspondence.

We appreciate the time you have taken to share your valuable feedback. Your
comments will be forwarded to our Public Affairs Department for further

If you would like to discuss this further, please reply to this email or call
our toll free number at 1-877-723-3929 and reference contact I.D. 4947836.
One of our associates will be happy to assist you.

We appreciate your business and look forward to seeing you soon. Thank you
for shopping at Safeway.

Kenneth Morrow
Customer Service Representative

Wow, I'm complaint no. 4947836. What an honor.

Comments (1)

You need to hang out in the suburban Safeways in affluent Lake Oswego, West Linn, and Tualatin. Clean, well-lit stores, wide aisles, sickenly friendly employees who do a better job of making up their sincerity than the Safeway you patronize. I don't know, perhaps it is a conscious corporate strategy.

One thing is the same: disgusting recycling centers.

And one thing I don't know if you've mentioned: THE CARD. If you don't have the card, you get no sale items and pay ridiculously high prices for everything. If you have the card, you are giving Safeway all sorts of information about your shopping habits which I, for one, would prefer they didn't have.

Now Albertson's has joined THE CARD crap. That leaves Zupan's, Wizer's (in Lake Oswego), Haggen (in Tualatin), and who knows what in Portland.

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