
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 28, 2003 5:08 PM. The previous post in this blog was Read all about it. The next post in this blog is May it end soon. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, March 28, 2003

Salem's priorities

The Oregon House is having a busy time these days. It just passed a bill that would allow some, ahem, exceptions to the state's existing land use laws. According to The Oregonian report, the bill "would ease state limits on urban sprawl, allowing hotels, mega-stores and townhouses on land where now they are banned."

Frighteningly for land use fans such as myself, the vote was 36-21. Leading the charge on this one was Rep. Tootie Smith, R-Molalla (pictured), a Christmas tree farmer. The new, improved Jack Bog is not going to say anything unkind about Rep. Smith, but this is not a piece of legislation that I favor. (How's that for mellow diplomacy?)

Also passing, 34-22, was a bill that would require a 24-hour waiting period for abortions. The sponsor was Rep. Betsy Close, R-Albany, a teacher, whom I gave a hard time here recently over phone company slamming and cramming issues. Also vocally in favor was Rep. Linda Flores, R-Boring, a small business owner. The ACLU folks are doubtlessly having a conniption about this one.

The alliance between rural conservatives and suburban conservatives is pretty evident in these party-line votes. As the Schmuck would say, you urban lefties are plumb outnumbered.

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