
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 29, 2002 1:09 AM. The previous post in this blog was Soup kitchen redux. The next post in this blog is But she takes the cake. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, October 29, 2002

Lesson learned

I've stopped trying to guess the outcomes of pro football games on Sunday. Betting those state-sponsored sports book tickets here in Oregon just became too much of a losing proposition. As lamented in this weblog previously, it's darned tough to call the point-spread winners in the NFL these days, and if you do get lucky, the lottery folks don't pay good odds.

One nice byproduct of having wasted a few dollars on this over the early weeks of the season, however, is a renewed interest in the sport. How else would I have discovered that the Atlanta Falcons have a young quarterback named Michael Vick who is revolutionizing the game? I neglected football all of last year, and so I had never heard of the guy. Meanwhile, Vick's cousin Aaron Brooks is piloting the Saints to a nice year. And how would I have noticed that Portland's own Joey Harrington is keeping the Detroit Lions close in every game, although they're having trouble winning? But now that they've gotten my attention, I can follow along without wagering on the games.

College football is fun right now, too. Is Notre Dame No. 1? Shouldn't they be? I go with the New York Times computer and say yes, but what else would you expect from an East Coast transplant blogger?

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