
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 12, 2012 8:43 AM. The previous post in this blog was High praise. The next post in this blog is Zombie hotel back on a fast track. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Second candidate announces for Lake O. mayor

It is Kent Studebaker. He'll be taking on Greg Macpherson in November.

A lawyer by training, but no longer by trade, Studebaker is (or at least was) a principal in G/S Associates, which is based on NW St. Helens Road in Portland and sells industrial power transmission equipment. He is on the board of the City of Portland's Northwest Industrial Neighborhood Association. He opposed the Multnomah County income tax in 2003.

Studebaker lives in the Bryant neighborhood of L.O. He has been the chair of the Oswego citizens' budget committee, whose relatively austere recommendations were rejected by a 4-3 vote of the City Council in May. He aired his disappointment with that outcome here.

Between the lines, Studebaker seems to be saying he'll put a halt to the streetcar-condo insanity that's being pushed by the outgoing mayor and developer shill, Jack Hoffman. So far, between the lines Macpherson seems to be saying he'll more or less stay the Hoffman course, only with smoother talk -- "shaping the way people live" with big "alternative modes of transportation" ideas.

Put this one on the list: Election Night in November is going to be a real doozy this year.

Comments (5)

Such good news! Kent will make an excellent mayor! His history with Lake Oswego gives him some perspective and understanding of the people who live here and love our town. Until now it has been very disheartening to think that only one candidate had announced for mayor. Macpherson has a well-known name, but his knowledge of LO is skin deep and his allegiance is to the boobleheads who are turning the Portland Metro area into one giant debt-ridden experiment in New Urbanism. All the postulates' claims aside, the smart growth model is extremely limited in it application and not suited to the real world. If we could only live in a fairy tale, but I still don't want politicians "shaping the way we live". I sorta had the notion that I would do that for myself. Goodby Greg, Hello Kent!

Streetcar, taxes, growth, blah blah blah... More importantly... Where does he stand on the public right of way for the Lake?

Uh, Nate, do you live in LO? If not, blah, blah, blah, why do you care who is mayor? After all, Lake access is not a mayoral concern. Just because Jack H is micromanaging his administration doesn't mean that the city has much to do with the lake. It will be a relief to get him out of our hair.

Studebaker has a very good chance of winning because his positions are more aligned with fiscal responsibility. Plus, he uses that responsibility in regards to several important LO issues like the Foothills, Portland/LO Streetcar and other major planning issues.

Plus he's a Lake Oswego native. That's important because he knows how nice LO was and can still be. And he is intimately familiar with the essential character of the city which newcomers just don't get. It's like Portland. You take a great, livable city that is nice but not pretentious (forget the exceptions for now), and then newcomers come because they want to be part of that lifestyle, but they can't help bringing with them some of the flavor of the places they left or attitudes that don't fit. Spending money we don't have for glitz when good enough is good enough, simplicity over more of everything, independence over group think. And NO crony capitalism! We want our city back, just as do real Portlanders.

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