
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 14, 2011 3:25 PM. The previous post in this blog was "Your papers! Now!!". The next post in this blog is Boring secession from Tri-Met passes. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A chance to be a walking buzzword

The latest fad in the bureaucrats' world is "equity." Equity this, equity that, every other word is now equity. They cancelled Halloween in the public schools for the "spirit of equity." The developer weasels have picked up on it, too. That apartment bunker they want to put next door to you? It's for "equity."

What is "equity"? We think it used to be called equality, or diversity, or (heaven forbid) affirmative action. But like "green," and like "sex," it will be used to sell all sorts of stuff that has nothing to do with fairness, which is what equity means in the dictionary.

Anyway, now the City of Portland is out looking for someone to be the new official "equity" czar at City Hall. The pay will be between $102,648 and $146,952, plus all the PERS you can eat. No doubt they've already got somebody in mind for the gig -- it would not be surprising if a Lolenzo Poe type wound up in the seat -- but they're required to advertise for it, and here's the ad.

This position is an exciting and challenging opportunity for a proven leader who will establish and direct the new Office of Equity and Human Rights. This Office, created in September of 2011, represents the City's next step in creating an environment in the workplace and ultimately in the Community where equity and human rights become part of everyday decisions.

The Office of Equity and Human Rights Director is a high-level manager responsible for directing the City in promoting equity and the elimination of disparities within City government, particularly as this pertains to race/ethnicity and disabilities. The new director will lead the Office in educating and providing technical assistance to all bureaus to build capacity in achieving equitable outcomes and service. The Director will work with community partners to produce measurable improvements to equity and inclusion in the City. The Office, under the guidance of the new Director will work to resolve human rights issues and issues rooted in bias and discrimination.

Under general policy direction from the Commissioner-in-Charge, the OEHR Director will plan, organize, manage and direct the implementation of equity and human rights systems and programs for the City. The Director will oversee a beginning budget of over 1 million dollars, and supervise three to ten staff in the first year....

It takes eleven people just to get the city government to be "equitable"? You can imagine how big the machinery will get when the whole "community" gets involved. Anyway, yesterday was the deadline for getting applications in. The lucky finalists will be notified of their callback schedule next week.

Comments (18)

Good thing we are reducing the number of cops to pay for this...

Isn't that department called HR?

Jack, it almost seems that you are losing your Progresibility. That's not a problem for me, but is it an issue for you?

I'm a liberal. But I'm not stupid.

Sorry, at the end of the day equity is about re-ditributing wealth/property. Why we are letting the city decide that (especially after all the wise decisions they made with our money) is maddening.

Besides, if the new Equity Czar plays this right he can be influence-peddling forever.

Seems to me we need less "equity" at city hall and more real work! But none of those clowns have ever worked at a real job in their entire lives, so they wouldn't know what a real day's work is like. They think if their thumbs get a cramp tweeting that is is exhausting labor.

The problem is quite a few "progressives" in this state operate on the supposition of the inherent moral superiority of their agenda. They conduct themselves with the arrogance of those that have a consistent politcal majority.

They won't even consider any opposing view as a legitimate difference of opinion, and ridicule/demonize those that disagree with them. (Just as Prof. Alinsky advises...)

If you disagree with their tranportation agenda you're a "cager." If you are for a strong Defense policy, you're a "war-monger." If disagree with gay rights or affirmative action, you're a "bigot."

Both sides have become so hardened and cynical I have absolutely no idea how we will ever fix it. It will probably take a threat to our national existence on the level of WWII. And, human nature being what it is, one is probably right around the corner.

American troops being pulled out of Iraq are being sent to eastern Jordan, to counter the massing of Syrian troops on their border. Assad is angry that King Abdullah has harbored Syrian defectors and allowed weapons to be sent to the rebels through Jordan.

The Israelis are probably within 60 days of striking Iran, who say they will close the Strait of Hormuz, and stike American owned oil feilds in the Caspian region in retaliation. This will provoke a Russian response. (Russia just completed war games of that scenario.)

When hostilities begin, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and Hamas in Gaza will attempt to blockade Israel using Chinese/Russian supplied anti-ship, and surface to air missles. Iran will shower Israel with Shahab-3 missles.

By treaty and previously agreed to defense policy, we are obliged to defend Israel and the Strait of Hormuz. And Christ knows what the Chinese will do, but they buy a bunch of oil from Iran, and won't be happy if the spigots get turned off.

Where this is all headed is anyones guess. I suggest hugging you loved ones, and enjoying Christmas. In short order, we may look back at these as "the good times."

Steve, clearly the office will need more than 11 staff members, since you referred to the new Equity Czar as "he" - clearly much more re-education is required.

Don't forget "Resilience".


Can't have "equity" without "resilience".

The big problem with an "equity" office is that it is the perfect place for a bully like Randy. Equity is a very undefined term which allows a bully to just make it up as they go along. With a big staff on hand they'll be able to attack anyone in town who they don't like. All they'll need to do is come up with some disparate impact argument and then slap on a fine.

This is exactly the kind of stuff that Castro, Chavez or any other dictator does. Standard playbook for any command and control regime. Just wait until this office gets up and running. They'll start to declare car owners as more privileged than bike owners, or expensive houses as unfair, etc. There is no end to the equity issue and therefore no end to the amount of trouble that an equity office will cause this city. Anyone who votes for this is a fool. We alredy know how the story plays out and it isn't good.

Never time to do it right, always time to fix it.

Why isn't it the job of these highly paid bureau executives to do it right in the first place? Oh, that would mean not making it up as you go along? That will never fly.

That crazy pay level makes me think of three bank robbers deciding who is responsible for splitting the loot into three equal piles.

"Equity" will be the fist that enforces Portland's hyper-aggressive Climate Action Plan.

Guess I gotta look for honest work ... applications closed on Tuesday.

Office of Equity? In China, that would be where you get permission to sell shares on the stock exchange.

....That apartment bunker they want to put next door to you? It's for "equity."..

This has already happened big time in some neighborhoods.
There is so much "equity" and “diversity” this and that being pushed in such a way that to object in any way or bring it up is considered a "no no" - so that the residents who have lived in that neighborhood for eons, are becoming invisible and feeling reverse discrimination.

My perception is that the city has done a disservice of intertwining concepts here to push an agenda. For example, if one objects to density, then one has to be careful as it can appear to be objecting to diversity.

My point being that the extreme density housing buildings could stand empty, sans people, it is about the nature of the developments, the takeover of the character of the neighborhood, but if one is critical of this kind of building, it can look like one is critical of the people who live in them.

Equity in Diversity is the forerunner to Sustainability in which we must be Pragmatic in resolving the challenges brought forth by climate change, population increase and urbanism.

HMLA, you are terrifying. I read all that stuff earlier today about everyone and their brother doing war games in the middle east and I felt like I was physically shrinking. I would never repeat it all like you have, it would completely cement that cold feeling inside. But now that I read it all again via your post, the mind is working furiously on solutions to avoid a conflagration. I was born in Beirut and still have hopes of visiting Baalbek, my childhood playground, before I die...

Give South Dakota up for a new Jewish state. Unleash that secret weapon that secretly and invisibly sterilizes whole populations, and do the Egyptians, Saudis, Iranians, Syrians, and Lebanese, and maybe a few more nationalities a really big favor.

Wait a generation and see how things look then.

Settle down, PC bloodhounds. Meant in jest. What can one do except jest? The nightmare encroaching serves to remind, that life is beautiful, in spite of it.

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