
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 17, 2011 5:42 PM. The previous post in this blog was How government works. The next post in this blog is Portland school construction bond losing, operating levy passing. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Please make a note of it

A Portland City Hall glossary alert: They're no longer bicyclists, they're "vulnerable road users."

Comments (14)

I was a "vulnerable road user" when I had to run across Barbur Boulevard to get from my bus stop to home. The nearest crosswalk was a half mile away (and on the other side of I-5, and essentially in Tigard.)

City of Portland response: "It isn't our problem."

I guess if I rode my bike, they would have created a special bike crossing...

vulnerable road user?

I am going one step further to the FEDS seeking endangered species status for me and my SUV before it's too late.

So's my cat. where's his subsidy?

Most of the cyclists that I witness daily create their own vulnerability by violating every basic traffic law in the book.

Obviously as an oppressed minority, they will need to create special needs housing for all of these bike riders.

When are Portlanders going to realize when these politicians are engaging in Balkanization its to turn the voting populace against each otherfor a distraction while they rip us off?

I will cheerfully call them whatever they'd like, as long as they dress like this guy:


Gibby...sign me up!

portlanders are perpetual victims.

A better name would be "Future Organ Donors".

The portion going to bike projects, the mayor told the crowd at the Bicycle Transportation Alliance's Alice Awards, would jump from 4 to 17 percent in the next city budget. "Seventeen!" Adams said, repeating....

17? Hey, isn't that a number that's given Adams trouble in the past?

Quick! What does the City Staff Numerologist have to say about that?

Bicyclists are "vulnerable road users" if nimrods like some posting on this blog are behind the wheel.

What Gordon said. Also, isn't that a category established by state lae? And doesn't it include pedestrians?

Thanks to PBOT and special interests like the BTA, everyone in Portland is a "vulnerable road user".

Add ordinary language abuse to the long list of incompetencies on display locally, all indicating the absence of essential managerial responsibility. By contrast, the country's government is striving toward greater lexical transparency; to wit,

"The federal government is rolling out a new official language of sorts: plain English.

That's right: Pursuant to regulations promulgated thereunder and commencing in accordance with a statute signed herein by President Barack Obama, the government shall be precluded from writing the pompous gibberish heretofore evidenced, to the extent practicable.

That sentence contains 11 new language no-nos.

Obama signed the Plain Writing Act last fall after decades of effort by a cadre of passionate grammarians in the civil service to jettison the jargon."

In lieu of plain English, the obsolete, expensive, exploitative, embarrassing local attempt at representative governance disguises its self-serving intentions in undefinably malleable terms such as "livability," "sustainability," "vulnerable road user."
They mean what those in power, wishing to benefit lucratively from that power, choose for them to mean.

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