
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 21, 2010 9:45 AM. The previous post in this blog was "Urban renewal," cop pensions lead Portland property tax increases. The next post in this blog is City Halls getting meaner. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

E-mail, Feeds, 'n' Stuff

Thursday, October 21, 2010

They're not shy

The second piece of election porn in three days from the Oregon League of Conservation Voters showed up in our snail mailbox yesterday. A glossy four-pager with a veritable font of advice on whom to vote for:

Inside, they've got endorsements on 33 races for various offices and two ballot measures.

My image of that organization as a group of level-headed defenders of the earth is diminished by this sort of thing. If you care that much about the environment, two pieces of shiny, four-color junk mail in three days is at least one too many. And what does voter-owed elections have to do with conservation? Into the recycling bin it goes.

Comments (9)

I don't bother recycling their rubbish. It's garbage and it goes in the garbage bin.

If they want to be "conservation" minded, stop delivering this junk mail. I don't want it, I'm not their target audience, and I'd have no problem if the postal service loses all of its junk mail and resorts to just once-a-week delivery. Then the world's largest motor pool could be pared back a bit.

Oddly, they don't really give much justification for Collymore, and the "reasons" for voting for Stacey cold all be applied to Hughes, too.

I've never really taken the OLCV seriously--to be blunt, they seem intellectually lightweight and driven by a narrow, poorly defined ideology than any thoughtful assessment of problems and people.

I find it absurd that anyone would vote primarily on green issues in the current economic climate.

We have our green cred. We have our UGB system. Our transit and bike nazis are well-established. These aren't going anywhere. They are now a given no matter who is elected.

So let's move on to those problems which aren't being addressed. Not the ones we've been addressing for 25 years.

I'm all for public servants that are dedicated to preserving the ecology that supports us.

I don't think that it's the role of public servants to "provide jobs" or "take away jobs"--and even if you do believe in that, a quick perusal of history shows that almost no public servant ever "creates jobs". It's a fallacy.

But mostly, I'm astounded by how sophomoric and narrow-minded the "promises" in materials like this are. The campaigns seem so cowardly, really, in their intentions and promises.

Well, at the the front page of the mailer confirmed that i was correct in voting against any of the folks whom OLCV recommended.

quick perusal of history shows that almost no public servant ever "creates jobs". It's a fallacy.

Tell that to Keynes and the Great Depression!

Speaking of which, this NY Times article is a great read:


Europe's increasing austerity measures (and the ones doubtless to come in the US due to political gridlock) bodes well for neither economy.

Conservation voters? Yeah right. These are environmentalists, not conservationists. HUGE difference.

Tell that to Keynes and the Great Depression!

Or just listen Keynes in his rap battle with Hayek...

These type of flyers are good for one thing - to keep a file on who the "insiders" are and who supports them and the agenda.

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