
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 19, 2010 1:47 PM. The previous post in this blog was Through the looking glass. The next post in this blog is Big chance for Portland police. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, April 19, 2010

Portland City Hall always has to show you who's boss

An alert reader writes:

Went downtown on business the other afternoon. Things being what they are downtown these days, I easily found a convenient parking place with a three-hour meter. About two hours and 45 minutes later, I got back to the car. As I walked to it, I noticed something inserted under the windshield wiper.
I knew it shouldn't have been a ticket, and happily it wasn't. Instead, it was a small, ticket-shaped (3½ by 8½) flyer from the Bureau of Transportation headed "For Your Information: Parking Meters & More." Inside was a long list of the rules governing parking downtown. Whoever placed the flyer there had circled a headline that said "Vehicles Parking In Violation Of The Following Regulations Are Subject To Citation And/Or Tow." They had also circled and checked the box that said "Re-Parking/Meter Feeding," in which it was helpfully explained that I should not return to the same "block face" until three hours has elapsed.

Not sure what to make of this. Is it customary to post these things on vehicles that have nearly used up their allotted parking time? Is the subliminal message here "Please Shop at Clackamas Town Center"?

Comments (19)

Not sure what the subliminal message intended is, but the effective message is "Shop at Washington Square, or Llloyd Center or Clackamas or Bridgeport. No business wanted in downtown Portland."

When the city enacted Sunday fees, that pushed me to the private sector. I now get in and out privileges and pay for all day with no harassing "reminders"! The city cost for all day, moving my car around the block "face" is more.

The City That Works!! at pi$$ing off it owners/customers.

Actually, most retailers don't like prolonged parking spot times, nor people who "hog" a spot. It reduces the amount of available parking spaces near their retail store, as most retail stores aren't getting too many customers who shop more than 3 hours.

If they are getting the shop 'til you drop customers, there's plenty of parking garages for the people needing the 5 hr parking, etc.

I don't see the objection to the city providing information about what the law is and what can get you a ticket. What I think the city wants is for you to finish your shopping, move along and make the space available for someone else. If you want to tarry longer, there are garages (some of which accept merchants' validations).

If I'm not in violation, I don't want the meter Gestapo leaving this cr*p under my windshield wiper. Leave me alone and go torture some poor SOB who's 1 minute over their time limit. This is a grand waste of money, and it's all there to remind you who's the boss. Feel the love from the Sam-Rand Twins.

Has ws been assigned to hang out here and put the Creepy spin on every discussion or change the subject?

Please, let's not get into that kind of crossfire here. Let the troll do his thing. It's good for us all to remember what the electorate of Portland is like.

I wonder if the parking matrons mistook your car for another one? Or, maybe they hadn't filled their quota of tickets for the day, so this pamphlet equals half a ticket?

On the other hand - putting paper under a windshield wiper is oh-so-unsustainable - you did recycle that pamphlet here in Green Nirvana, didn't you?

And has anyone but me noticed that it costs more to use a credit card than quarters for parking?

Portland: The City that Wastes Paper.

Seriously, I thought we'd be emailing or tweeting tickets and warnings to people by now.


I wonder if it's illegal for me to do what I always do, which is to leave my parking sticker (assuming there's a decent amount of time left on it) on the meter itself so that the next person who comes along can use it if they've only got a short errand to run.

"I wonder if it's illegal for me to do what I always do, which is to leave my parking sticker (assuming there's a decent amount of time left on it) on the meter itself so that the next person who comes along can use it if they've only got a short errand to run."

Surprisingly it's not. See I knew reading that dumb "commuting" column in the Big O would come to some use.

A: Chuck E. Cheese tokens work in the parking meters. So do the Burgerville jukebox tokens if you can find them.

B: The commuter blog guy at the O means well but he is the most wimpy naïve lazy writer. All he does is call up some city, state or county bureaucrat and ask them about things like bike commute numbers, vehicle laws or what ever. He does no research even as rudimentary as looking up an ordinance up on line and actually reading it. He was stupid enough to go to court and try to contradict a parking officer’s testimony. He lost. He said it was good experience. Talk about a guy that trusts what ever the city tells him, and then he will print it. Very frustrating. I comment on his blog to keep him honest, but usually he doesn’t get it.

C: I am beside myself that this city council still has the support of the majority of voters here. These flakes, liars, perverts and idiots will get reelected and there is nothing I can do about it. Karma I guess.

This is what happens when govt has:
a) too much money
b) too much time

I am sure there is a FT who justifies their job with these kind of busy work projects. We don't pay 3rd graders for his type of work, why do we need a FTE at CoP for this time-waste?

I can't think of a way that pamphlet could be any more anally passive-aggressive unless it began with "Did You Know?..." and ended with a picture of a smiling parking meter.

Good God, just give me a ticket and let me go home.

John Benton said,
"I am beside myself that this city council still has the support of the majority of voters here. These flakes, liars, perverts and idiots will get reelected and there is nothing I can do about it."

If you're going to be me, be me.

It was probably a retailer on that block that decorated that car with that pamphlet. Or, even more likely, one of those private coppie-like people that work for the Portland Biz Alliance's PDSI.

"Portland: More like California than California".

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