
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 27, 2010 10:21 AM. The previous post in this blog was Reader poll: Which realtor in the 'Couv should Phil Knight use?. The next post in this blog is Saltzman's bogus talking points on the Paulson stadium deal. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

New City of Portland computer system: It's the bomb

And we don't mean that in a good way. Yet another success story for the City of Portland and technology. "Commissioner Dan Saltzman, who oversees police, chalked up the complaints to usual growing pains." Yes, pain is going to be "usual" with the wrong people in charge.

I can't wait to see how Mr. Warmth & Co. do with the new eight-figure emergency phone call alert system they're insisting on buying. The thing will probably wind up accidentally dialing Rangoon a million times in a single night to tell them that there's a new post on Mayor Creepy's blog. For that the taxpayers will have to pay Qwest a few million.

Comments (1)

I worked briefly at CoP in their IT department. Specifically with their Desktop infrastructure folks. That poor group had their director leave abrubtly and without notice, their overworked manager had to step up and spent most of her time running between two buildings and the group itself was charged with managing the desktop software and hardware standards for the CoP. Unfortunately they had to oversee several Bureau's and each had their own fiefdom.

So this poor group was understaffed and overworked, split across two buildings with a lack of quality management.

Now add to the above equation, the Police Bureau and the fact that they have very serious security concerns with people working with their systems and you have the recipe for a huge mess and one of the reasons I'm glad I didn't stick around and explains why I wasn't able to do what I was tasked to do while I was there (train the department on a particular solution)

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